Had a fun day out on The Green with my bro-in-law. We got there around 9:30 AM at the Isaac Evans Golf Course, we were at the park across the street. Fish were jumping evrywhere! We jumped right in the water using the tried and true corky-yarn combo with about 2.5 ft leder. There was lighting and thunder all around, made for an exciting experience with all the rain. There was one point where we were thinking if we should get out of the water because the lightning was so close - we said "NAH!"
I foul hooked two (returned them gently of course) and lost three. The Humpies still looked pretty good. Saw several Silvers being caught, also still looking pretty good.
The real story of the day, was me confronting an obvious poacher, wish I would have taken his picture. He came down into the river on the bank across from us. He snagged his first one and he put that on his stringer, it upset me, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Two minutes later, he snagged another and as I watched him, I said "If he puts that on his stringer I'm going to yell at him!" My bro agreed, and sure enough, the loser did. So I commenced to reminding him of the rules and telling him he was breaking the law, and he responded "Yeah! Yeah!" I was fired up. By the end of the day when we left at 1 PM, he must have had 18 fish on his stringer, 3 of them were good sized Silvers. He wasn't even using a lure, just a big freaking hook. I should have called FW, but would they have rushed out for this one guy? I don't know, but overall, between my bro-in-law taking a plunge three times in the river, one them being the first ever salmon jumping on his chest and him faling completely under the water, the great weather, and the poacher, I would have to rate this experience a five star outting. Tight Lines!
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from donman.
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