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Pend Orielle River Report
Pend Oreille County, WA




Went out in the evening north of Box Canyon Dam. Fishing with Silver spoon-not sure of oz, but a larger one, approx half dollar size. In boat casting towards shore. On 3rd cast caught a 13lb, 32 1/2" Pike approx 15ft from shore. Really looking forward to eating it. FYI there is a really nice youtube video demonstrating proper cleaning tech. (Obviously this was our first Pike ;-)


8/5/2008 9:44:00 PM
That was a nice looking fish! Were you looking for Pike or did it find you? Nice photo, it looks very peaceful there.
8/5/2008 10:35:00 PM
Well, I was HOPING for Pike & the places we went were more "Pike" friendly than trout, but the lure I used was one we had REALLY good luck with a few yrs ago with the triploids. I think my husband was more excited than I was. I was expecting more of a bass type fight-this was more of a rolling, "I think I may be caught on a log" type feel. All I kept thinking was "get it in the boat.. get it in the boat." LOL
8/6/2008 9:55:00 AM
Welcome WL. Thats a nice fish you got there. Thanks for the report,I'm hoping to get over there soon.
8/6/2008 5:21:00 PM
Was that Box Canyon Dam or Albeni Falls? I did not think that there were Pike on that side of Box Canyon is why I am asking. You have my attention. :)
8/6/2008 9:39:00 PM
13 lbs for 32.5 inches, that fish must have had a couple of fish in it's belly. Are you sure it was only 32.5" My fish that I caught the same day as you was 31" but only weighted about 6 pounds. I wish you would have released that fish because that size is the onslaught to a trophy sized fish in the next couple of years or so. If I am going to eat pike, I generally eat pike 30" and under. I heard the smaller ones taste better as well. Anyway nice catch and good looking fish. I am hoping to catch bigger next time I am up there.
8/6/2008 10:03:00 PM
Lucius- positive it was only 32 1/2" long- (and being a fisherman-trust me if I could've made it longer I would've ;-) (I checked the lbs & length several times, because I couldn't believe I'd caught this big of fish). Long story, but the fish rolled around the line & by the time we got it in the boat -there was a tear in the gills. I only had 8 lb test line & I certainly did NOT expect this big of fish. He was pulling our little boat around (only a little). So throwing him back, wasn't an option. As far as taste-I seriously have never tasted better (I've eaten shark, halibut, swordfish)-it ranks right up there.
8/6/2008 10:05:00 PM
Tollefs-I live up here- it was Box Canyon Dam & on the North side of it (Down River).
8/6/2008 10:06:00 PM
Tollefs-I live up here- it was Box Canyon Dam & on the North side of it (Down River).
8/6/2008 10:21:00 PM
That is sometimes a problem with fishing for pike. They are too aggressive for there own good that sometimes things like that happen. It is a good thing that you didn't let it go to waste. A lot a people have a problem with eating pike b/c of the y-bones but is sounds like you found a video on how to fillet the fish. I have to agree with you as far a the taste goes. I had a shore lunch with walleye, lake trout and pike and I must say I couldn't tell the difference between the walleye and pike. It is probably to this day the best fish I have ever eaten.
8/7/2008 4:31:00 PM
mothman - thanks and nice fish!
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