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Area 13 South Puget Sound Report



Chum Salmon
Bait Only

How many days can be like this? There seemed to be non-stop action from 9:30am to 1pm with chum salmon jumping all around like those rivers with the carp jumping in and over the boat. We got to the spot at 9:30am and when it slowed down to give me time to look at my watch it was 1:00pm. I caught the biggest chum I have ever caught. I caught more salmon in one day than I have ever caught, even through pink salmon season. I was invited by Trent to join him and Steve to fish the Johns Creek area for chum. Last year we went to this same place and got 0.
We used bobbers and anchovies. When the action died around 1 I tried a pink jig but got nothing. We went through over 60 anchovies. We left the area about 3:30 to come home. The tides were Low 8:28 AM at 2.4 High 3:02 PM at 14.0. They seemed to quit biting and being as active when the current from the tide slowed. It was cold most of the day with some blue skies but mostly cloudy.


EAmon ___hoffman123
11/5/2011 1:18:00 PM
Sound's fun!
11/5/2011 2:58:00 PM
Wow, nice fish Toni! Looks like a blast!
11/5/2011 3:10:00 PM
awesome report! I bet get some anchovies...
Bretts Dad
11/5/2011 6:40:00 PM
John's Creek near Shelton? Were you out in Oakland Bay or ??? That IS a huge chum. Bet he put up quite a fight!
11/5/2011 8:07:00 PM
Yes, it was a blast and some of the not so big chums fought like crazy. 1 even broke the reel as I was reeling. I think it was the big one I got or one like it. I think it was Oakland Bay.
Take a look at the Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUqAcWziSN0
Steve and I finally told Trent to put the camera down and fish!
Mike Carey
11/6/2011 7:27:00 PM
Toni, I have fished John's Creek a couple times with Bob Johansen and each time we dealt with lock-jaw chums. And they were everywhere! This is a lesser known fishery compared to Hoodsport and Kennedy Creek, glad to see you had success getting them to bite. I'm going for chums tomorrow with natetreat. Hope they are as cooperative! I have no idea if John's Creek is netted, if not it would be an alternate choice from Hoodsport. Boy, those are quite bright. How deep on the bobbers?
Mike Carey
11/6/2011 7:34:00 PM
I just watched the video, know that spot well.
11/6/2011 7:38:00 PM
Mike the bait was about a foot above the bottom. They even went into the grass as the tide came up. We used slip bobbers from about 6 foot to 2.5 foot. We used 12 pound test leaders but Steve had some on 30 lb. test. and the leaders were about 2 foot long with just enough weight to keep the bobber straight up. Have to make sure the anchovy should be head up and straight up and down. They were probably within 25-50 feet from shore. It took me a bit to catch on and finding the right depth is VERY important.
11/6/2011 7:41:00 PM
@ Mike then you know where but it is also important to get there when they are there. We went last year and there were 0 fish. But they had found fish there before. That is one reason they said it was redemption. I have gone out with Trent 3 or 4 times and never caught a fish. This made up for it...It was so fantastic
Mike Carey
11/6/2011 7:46:00 PM
thanks Toni, glad you had a super day. dang, those WERE bright fish, very impressive for a terminal fishery.
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Phone: (509) 999-0717