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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


Coho Salmon

I went out with my dad to give Coho one more shot today. One of us had been out of town for the last month so we missed the peak, but were hoping to get something. We arrived at the Mukilteo launch before sunrise to find it completely closed and roped off. It looks like they were doing some repaving. This threw quite the monkey wrench into our plans and we had to relocate to the Everett launch. We finally arrived at the Mukeltio at about 7:45 and began trolling squid behind flashers. Long story short, we didn't get much of anything. At one point out of desperation to a Pt. Defiance spoon we've had for years. We remembered quickly that spoons seems to get nothing but tiny shakers and sure enough we pulled it up to find we'd dragging a 6" salmon for a few miles. We also tried fishing the other side of the ferry dock since we had some success many years ago there, but no luck there either. We heard a few people caught fish when we were at the boat launch, but didn't see anyone actually hook anything while we were out on the water.


10/7/2011 8:23:00 PM
How long is the park at Mukilteo being shut down til now? I thought they were to be done today 10/7
10/7/2011 10:07:00 PM
Sorry, I was going to mention that and I forgot. The signs said they were completing 10/7 so it should be open for Saturday, although they would have had to make a lot of progress to get it to 100% for tomorrow. The dock was sitting in the parking lot when were drove by and still wasn't being put out at noon when we drove past in the boat.

I will say that Everett is a really nice launch (I believe you can launch 4 boats at once, if not more and that still leaves 4 spots for removing boats). Parking was certainly not an issue today, although I am sure it probably filled during the height of humpy season. The price isn't bad either ($8), although you certainly burn some gas if you're going to Humpy Hollow.
10/8/2011 3:16:00 PM
Thank you for the reply. I was wondering if they'd be able to get the entire project done in the time frame they figured considering weather last week. I agree that the launch spot in Everett is nice - it's just that much further and takes that much longer to get to. The price is cheaper - more space to park - more room for boats etc etc etc etc....
10/8/2011 4:52:00 PM
Agreed. We run in a small Aluminum boat with a ~30hp motor so it takes a while and can be a rough run if it's choppy (thankfully it wasn't yesterday). We hadn't planned on going that far and almost ran out of gas as a result.
10/8/2011 7:09:00 PM
For those that care. Light House Boat Launch at Mukilteo to be closed til at least 10/10/2011 - weather permited. For further information visit the City of Mukilteo website at http://www.ci.mukilteo.wa.us/ This concludes the boat launch data at this time and has nothing to do with fishing.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Bottom to Top Charters

Phone: (406) 321-0504