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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Chinook Salmon

Today holds some major significance as it would have be my mothers 73 birthday had she still been alive. I spent much of the day at my dads finishing off some projects and before going home I figured I'd drive by the pier. Most days I'd do the pier drive by before going to my dads and usually this has created problems. I'd stop at the pier and never made it to where I intended. Today I stopped but said I'd return later on.

At 6:10 P.M. I returned. A little voice in my head said your late you won't get one. I saw Nick getting into his car and asked... so anything since the "energy bar---- err um maple bar" and he points at his black bag which held a salmon. Mind you that had only been the second fish hooked for the whole day and at that time the only one landed.

I made my trek down the pier passing one person that said "you know Nick got one... and your past due". My reply was "I'm not leaving til I get mine..."

First cast breaks to the right and I'm not happy. Second breaks to the left. I'm feeling that I'm in trouble and going to make somebody mad but the casts aren't breaking either direction all that badly. 3rd cast is almost dead straight and the guy to my left says "nice cast... wish I could get the far out..." The guy to my left comments that the docks been crawling with people the last few weeks. So many people so many fish.

Fifth or sixth but definitely not double digits yet. I'm almost in and thinking OK reload and launch. Line stops about 15 feet out and maybe 8 feet down if that. And then the fish run started and my heart stopped..... great I'm thinking. Oh dear fish do not go underrrrr the ... aw craaaap.

The fish didn't go that far under and came back out and I was able to keep it going in circles until the net showed up. The netter looked at me and said you know what happened the last time I did this for you. I commented one things missing and I'd like to keep it that way... no baby carriage and a million tourists.

Five or six minutes later its in the net and my cards lost its virginity (woo hoo score one for the card).

As I said this day holds a major significance to me.

Type: Chinook Size: 12LBS almost 13... I don't like odd numbers so I'd say 12 anyways.

Jig: Pucci Color: Glow in the dark green.


8/23/2010 9:27:00 PM
Nice report. thanks
8/23/2010 9:30:00 PM
Nice report. thanks
8/23/2010 10:59:00 PM
what pier were ya fishing on??
The Quadfather
8/23/2010 11:27:00 PM
Gonefishing!! I salute you! On this forum you practically own a portion of that pier. I always read your reports. I am so glad for you that you pulled one in. In my experience fishing from the piers for salmon is like playing the lotto. Hey... it's there,, do it. But man, you can try many times over and come home empty handed. I hope you enjoy that fish.
8/24/2010 12:57:00 AM
Fish_Bait it was on the usually in August oh so overcrowded Edmonds Fishing Pier. This afternoon it wasn't so bad. Actually around noon when I did my walk out it was more like a ghost town than a busy fishing pier. All the morning people had long gone and the "mid-day" shift hadn't arrived. When I got there after 6 it was closer to "normal". Meaning about 3 to 5 Feet between individuals on the south side and lots of room on the shallower north end. This pattern will likely shift when/if the silvers arrive however.

I wish I "owned" a portion of that pier... I'd charge $5.00 per dog owner that doesn't read the sign when you come on that says... no dogs, no bikes, no skateboards, no alcohol.... I'd be rich in no time :D

I commented earlier last week that catching a fish on a pier is like winning a lottery, after my double day loss on Pier 86 earlier in the season I figured I had a better chance of winning the lottery than pulling fish out this year. If your bored to death and don't mind staying that way, come out and count the number of people that come onto the pier to fish and then count the number of people that leave with one. Trust me you will be depressed with the numbers :(

The hardest part of landing a fish on that pier isn't so much the pilings - which can be a pain. It's the tourists that suddenly flock in while you are fighting with the fish. I've watched too many times where they don't give the fisherman any room to move, worse is not giving the netter any room either.

Actually the hardest part is pacing yourself and not rushing the situation and feeling some confidence in your ability. This is the third fish I've hooked into and landed right in front of the pier and I was much more sure of myself this time than I was the prior times. Being familiar with the surroundings and knowing my gear helped a lot. Best yet was having a somebody that is good at netting the fish.
8/24/2010 6:01:00 AM
Congratulations, sounds like it was earned. Are you still able to go to the south end of the marina and walk out on the jetty to fish?
8/24/2010 11:00:00 AM
Question: What is the pier policy and using someone elses net? Pay them, give them part of the fish, or is thank you sufficient?
8/24/2010 8:51:00 PM
Gonefishing, Is Jose the welder still a regular on the pier?. He was always good for a 20 pounder and a .lady tourist's phone number. He fished the very south end of the pier religiously.
8/24/2010 9:24:00 PM
Kutztribe - usually, and the key word is usually somebody with a net will either let you use or will net the fish for you. What you do afterwards is optional. Just make sure you thank them and maybe dip/clean the net for them in the end. Today I hooked into yet another it was bigger than the first one and the closest net/owner wouldn't let anybody touch his net which was sitting on the ground all ready to go. FYI: I lost the fish in the end due to my own stupidity as I got too eager when I realized it was much bigger than I first thought arrrgh.

MotoBoat - It's my understanding that the lady killer Jose' has gone to San Diego for a few years because of a job due to his radioactive personality... actually he's working at nuclear plant in San Diego. On the other hand people like Dat, Joe (Gold Tooth), and the many Don's still exist.
8/26/2010 2:56:00 PM
Great report gonefishing! I live fairly close to the Dash point pier and results are often similar. Maybe see a couple people walk off with a chinook each season. Most of the time, the fish is lost to a myriad of potential probs. Of course hooking one aint easy but then as you mention people flock in from all directions if you say 'fish on'. Some stubborn flounder fishers keep their gear out even if you scream 'king salmon on!'. Sometimes the pilings jump out to grab the salmon. Worst is when you play a fish good and feel like you are there/got them tuckered out mostly and then a seal/sea lion suddenly shows up right below you under the pier. That is panic time... Of course not having a crab ring trap or net around can make for a circus act too! Thanx for sharing, good luck getting another. Oh, and go buy a lotto ticket just in case.
8/26/2010 9:24:00 PM
I think i saw you with your fish, man that was a nice fish!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Tofino Fishing

Phone: (250) 725-2700