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Website: Tofino Fishing

Phone: (250) 725-2700

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Chinook Salmon

Went down to the Edmonds pier mid-day after a hard day of watching the work phone not do anything at all. Since I couldn't drum up any business - no drum and no drum sticks it was off to go chase after other things that swim. Because it was sunny and semi warm and the fact that the public pool doesn't like fisherman catching swimmers I decided that the pier was going to be the place to be.

Practice, practice, practice. I decided late last year that I was going to fish at least two hours a month in January and February. Unlike my resolution to not buy any new fishing gear in 2009 - which was maimed on the third day of the new year, I have held to that goal. Ok so its a wimpy goal. Two hours a month til April how hard is that going to be... whats the worst thing that will happen? Snow? Rain? Wind? Sun? Hail? All four seasons in one hour? Wait that last one happened last year....

Weather was nice no real wind 54 to 56 degrees. Out going tide (OK so I didn't check the tide chart AGAIN) Water temp per Bill the walking man and temp taker of the waters around Edmonds said that the water was still cold(er) than normal. Visibility has improved over the last few weeks. Bait balls all about just way the heck beyond casting range. Harbor Seal and California Nightmare version were in the area as well. Just no salmon, no twigs, no seaweed, and no Kelp. I did hook up into a drop net and it did fight a lot.

Anyways a good day of fishing and not losing any jigs is better than sitting around watching the phone not ring.... besides my boss won't give me my chopsticks or drum sticks back.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Tofino Fishing

Phone: (250) 725-2700