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Website: Reel Time Fishing

Phone: (208) 790-2128

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Munn Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



Rainbow Trout

After hearing about this lake from some people at nearby Offut Lake, I gave Munn a shot today "knowing" that something big could take my lure of choice since it has with theirs.

I found my way thru the homes to the launch site and boy was it busy! Parking lot near full! I found a spot and walk down the a very busy lake and shoreline for what I thought I would see. My first strike, at least I think it was one surprised me because of the lack of knowledge of the lake. Could that be weeds? Underwater lily pads? I still passed it on as something in the water other than a fish.

More traffic around so I calming wait being a total rookie there. I few more cast and right in front of me about 15' my line just stops! Instantly I am thinking snag due to the firmness and strength behind it as I raised my rod up and started to reel in. Then that moment when your adrenal kicks in is when that tip starts to bob (no pun attended) and the line starts to actually move away from the spot that it would have been frozen in time at if it were a snag! Wow, what a rush as it was on. My St. Croix Avid 7' ULM and Pflueger President XT 20 w/Stren 4lb Mono and 4 lbs Floro leader was to be tested for the first time with something very big on the other end.

After a very lethargic start right in front of me, I was able to get the fish close enough to confirm my thoughts that it was much bigger than anything else that I have caught in freshwater.

I panicked and went for my phone because I had to get a picture of this fish and release it quickly. Now the fish comes alive and there I was, a fish of a lifetime and I am fiddling my phone trying to get it out of a pocket, turning it on with a security code and getting it into Photo Mode and then turning up the Brightness because the gentlemen that I asked to take a picture could not see the screen. I handed him my rod and set up the phone! Yes, I gave my rod to a stranger with the largest freshwater fish of my life on the other end because of a cell phone! Note taken!

Anyway, I was able to get the fish to shore and everyone that was on the beach warming up or taking a break gave me hand with unhooking, handling and releasing my trophy fish. I asked if it was like 5-8lbs because I was really in a daze. The all said closer to 8 then 5lbs.

I texted a pic to a gentleman and his boy that I meet at Offut last week and they came right over. The boy and I fished together for 40 minutes, nothing. They pack up and Bam, right as they left the launch I am hooked up, but this time way out there and you "know" what you have especially after the fight I just went thru.

I again stupidly fumble for my cell to text them that I have one. Removing my glove, opening a chest pocket and unlocking a security code, I mange to text them and fightbthe fish and dad and boy come driving back down the launch. I knew I was going to hand over the rod to the boy as soon as he came down. Sprinting out of the truck he comes running down and I say, here, ya go Robert. By this time I had the monster half way in and the boy takes over and gets the fish close enough for a look and there right in front of me is the twin, just what I was hoping for. The video (I could not upload it) comes on after his father parks the car and comes down to get a close look. I could see the fish getting ready to fire off it and it did, so did the hook and then it was gone.

It was all good, plus we got to see it. What a day! Hooked into two fish bigger than anything before.


2/27/2017 9:04:00 AM
I was just checking the weekly stocking report and noticed that they release 115 fish on 2/13 that were around 8lbs each. I came on here to see if there were any reports since I didn't know anything about Munn Lake and your report is right at the top. Nice fish! I was thinking about getting a friend of mine with a boat to head down there but it looks like I could have some success from shore.
2/27/2017 9:30:00 PM
Thanks bigdaddy3769,

Can you pass on the site page with those reports please, thanks.
3/2/2017 7:28:00 AM
That's a great looking fish...what sort of lure were you using? Good for you to share with kid - that's what it's about.
3/4/2017 9:36:00 PM
Good work, particularly for the catch and release!
3/4/2017 9:36:00 PM
TMBob, here you go: http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/plants/weekly/
3/7/2017 7:59:00 PM
That definately does look to be 8 lbs, maybe a little better even. Very nice fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Reel Time Fishing

Phone: (208) 790-2128