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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Okanogan Valley GS

Phone: (509) 429-1714

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Meridian Lake Report
King County, WA



Mostly Sunny

Fishing Meridian this morning was not my intentions but with the lack of action on Lake Wa I had to head to my "go to" lake. I knew I could at least catch one fish here. To my surprise I actually caught my limit despite how late I got there.

Arriving at 10:30am, I was greeted by a Lake Wa member who had been reading my reports and wanted to give the lake a try. I apologize for not catching your name but it was nice to meet you. After chatting with him i headed right in front of the public docks in 50ft of water and started marking huge schools right away. 5 min later I land the first koke. 30 minutes of non stop action losing fish landing fish. I'm 1 fish away from my limit and of course that last fish plays hard to get. Trolled up to the red air plane on the east shore and got struck violently. Pulled in a 14 incher, biggest one this season so far. Looked a lot like the fish from last year. Took just over an hour to get a limit. Far different than yesterday.

Gear used: Kokabow silver dodger, green king fisher Kokabow lure, tipped with corn and krill-anise scent. All fish caught down at 20 ft.


5/11/2015 2:52:00 AM
Nice to meet you too, Name's Ryan. I appreciate all the good advice,, but still ended up leaving with no Kokes. This was actually my third failed Kokanee attempt, I was happy to at least get some bites in the schools of Kokes, now I know what they look like on Sonar! Went out to lake twelve later on and limited ( 2 limits of rainbows ) around 7pm. Will probably see you on the lake soon, Im bound and determined, I'm actually up late tying leaders and adding glow in the dark paint or beads to a few wedding rings and dodgers.

Really apreciate all the routinely informative posts and pics. Thanks again.
5/11/2015 7:22:00 AM
Hey Dj sounds like your gonna have to start a fishing class at the ole fishin hole , Just think a weekly gathering shore side instructing those who
are having a tough time getin the hang of hookin those shiny bullets, hey who knows , maybe you will become famous or end up staring in a video . It's good to know You got a natural talent for this kind of fishing and I'm sure you have a number of folks watching every report you post
You know the ole story 10% of those fishing always catch 90% of the fish most likely due to putting in a lot time doing it I'ed say .
One day not to far away we'll meet up and spread all the gear out on the tail gate of the truck or something and decide what 's gonna work .
Till then keep on the great reports everybody is watching , I thought I retired last month does not seem to be the case quite yet but we are trying, to many requests call backs , hey I don't mind, the extra money is always good buy's a lota fishing gear !
5/11/2015 1:21:00 PM
couple of quick tips from my experience at this lake... go to a silver dodger if you're not getting any bites and play with the leader length from that dodger... go a little longer if you're not getting anything. They've been hitting green and orange... this we know. Don't be afraid to go down past 20ft if you've got a downrigger. If you have a dual band fishfinder... swap to the lower frequency, you'll get better sonar returns in smaller lakes. The good fishermen in my opinion, pay attention to the details when fishing... I'm working at getting there too. Good luck out there...
5/11/2015 1:22:00 PM
nice 14" hawg DJ, you really need to utilize the same hollywood camera tricks they use to make tom cruise taller, when taking pictures of your fish. That hawg dwarfs the others...
5/11/2015 9:59:00 PM
Greenboater, we will link up soon. Shoot me a message with your number. I would love to coordinate a fishing trip with Ya.
5/11/2015 11:19:00 PM
Thanks for the tips, yes I have a down rigger mounted, (hindsight: stupid mounting location) and a dual band finder. using gps for speed too.

Been following the meridian reports closely to figure out how to set up the boat, but trolling, gps, sonar and down riggers are all new to me! Getting the hang of it though.

Thanks again guys.
5/12/2015 9:21:00 AM
No problem... we all start somewhere. Try a chrome dodger to a green wedding ring/spinner 15" leader. get on the water by 6:30am, head straight out from the WDFW boat launch to the buoy on the other side of the lake. If you switched frequencies, you'll start marking fish right away. Once you hit about 25ft of water, send your downrigger down to 15ft. make sure you're about 25pulls from the boat. oh btw, use shoepeg corn. unscented. both hooks. if you're hard core, add one can of shoepeg to the blender, add some different scented oils and blend. use that as a dipping sauce for your lure. You'll catch kokes. Good luck
5/12/2015 11:47:00 PM
Hello Dj a house # 206 935 8016 a cell # 206 605 5897 If mom answers just means I'm working and using the cell phone , I usually go out around 9 or 10 am and back by 6 or 7 pm always got time to talk about fishing regardless of time time it might be . I'm helping a old friend try to get her house ready to put up on the market for sale, got a bath room shower to tile up and some hole patching here and there in a few places around the old house some one else gets to paint the rest of the inside better them then me I've been plunkin away at it for almost two years
so I should be done 5 days or less , then it's back to the regular program FISHING and what ever I want to do.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Okanogan Valley GS

Phone: (509) 429-1714