For our annual camping trip we usually go to Blue Lake and I like June specifically because of exellent fishing ...I read a report here , posted earlier about good Smallmouth bass fishing ,so wanted to see if it lives up to the expectation. I can definitely say it absolutely did. Usually I fish for everything in strategic manner starting with panfish and ending with trout or whatever sequence I deside on , but this June it was exellent on all fronts. Fished mostly all day with lunch breaks from
my boat( not trolling). For trout , sinker on the bottom with floating bate (power eggs, orange/green color; power bate garlic flavor ) panfish , bottom sinker with worm and smallies used wedding ring tipped with chunk of worm rigged to cast and reel back along rocky slopes , letting the lure sink a little first...color on the wedding ring orange and green/black worked the same...bate