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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA




Well got to the lake at 11:30 am headed over to the main lake just west of the launch and set me gear. As I was setting the gear I marked a big school of fish under the boat but could not get the lines down fast enough to hit that school so on I went and circled back to try and find them again with no luck. Spun the boat around and headed North towards silcox island. The pole start dancing grab it and start reeling. Took my time and first fish in the net within 5 min on the lake and its a rainbow....here we go again. Yesterday I spent five hours on the lake and caught two rainbows so not looking to repeat the prior day I say a little prayer and keep fishing. Marked a few fish but no takers.

Headed east around the island and ran the east shore area and headed north the pole starts dancing and yup another RB in the boat. Reset the gear and took off the green ice from Wanafish a lure and put on a squiddy thang white and back on my way. 2 min later the pole starts doing the dance.......another fish yes I had just marked a small school so my hopes were high. Wham the stink is off my boat a nice 11" koke, now that I see the pictures it might be a RB sure looks differant in person. Hey it counts...right. I ran around the lake and back towards the Lakewood launch and turned south towards silcox island. My pole starts dancing half way across and another RB in the box. All in all a great day took me only a few hours to put five fish in the box. I hope next time there all kokes but I am always happy to catch fish. I talked with two guys at the launch who had not caught anything but RB and were really trying for koke's. I think this lake is turning into a early morning or late evening kokanee bite. but hey who knows right. That is not going to stop me from trying.

Tight lines everyone!! Happy fishing!


6/11/2014 6:01:00 PM
Sorry you didn't find the pot of gold (silver) at the end of your rainbows. Was the bottom fish the one you thought might be a koke? Maybe it is a cutthroat? I can't tell for sure in the picture. You can tell for sure by the jaw line and eye ball
6/11/2014 6:07:00 PM
Yes, the bottom fish. The meat was pink all the others white. Had a very silver shine like a koke and not visable spots and red line like a RB. I will go check the head for red lines under the jaw.
6/11/2014 6:13:00 PM
No red jaw. I did see a couple of spots on the tail nothing like the others so most likely a RB but nice pink meat. oh well tomorrow is another day!! My day will come.....these kokanee have just not got the message!! lol.
6/11/2014 7:28:00 PM
They don't always have the jaw slash. The way to tell is the jaw goes past the the line of the eye ball. I will try to find a picture and send to you. Pink meat sounds like cut. I got one that was red meat.
6/11/2014 9:39:00 PM
I've a caught a few rainbows out of there that had dark red meat, maybe 10-20% so far had that. Nice catch!
the doc
6/12/2014 7:16:00 AM
i used to clobber kokes on american. not latly. in fact, i have yet to get one this year here. and few, anywhere. and, like you, end up contenting myself, with a few of the nicer trout. maybe in my old age, im losing it. taught chuck the ropes. now he fishes with other anglers. and this old man is staring at his fish id, and scratching his head. lol.
6/12/2014 9:04:00 AM
Thanks for the information, no markings and the jaw stops at the eyeball like the others so it must be a rainbow. No big deal it will eat well I promise. Jd39, I have caught a few of these pink meat fish in the past but most have been in the 18" range always a larger fish, this is the first small red meat fish I have had. Doc, you make me laugh at least I am not the only guy on the lake scratching his head and staring at the screen. I will have to do more reading and find out where these fish like to go and hide. There must be somewhere they are going maybe the south end of the lake, I have only fished for rainbows there. Just keep fishing doc the world is a wonderful place on the lake...........
6/12/2014 9:50:00 AM
Hunter, Keep at it...the worm will turn for you soon! Have to keep changing until you get them dialed in. Then of course, it will all change again! Sounds like you are having fun though:)
Mr Fitten
6/14/2014 1:21:00 PM
Keep at it, speed is impooortannttt. Too fast you get bows. You should have just a slight angle in your downrigger cable. Use no more then 16inches of leader if using a dodger/flsher. I find chartreuse and pink are good colors.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Fast Action Guide Service

Phone: (425) 753-5772