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Clear Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



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My plans changed due to lack of sleep on Sunday so I planned to go out to Clear Lake on Monday morning. I, also, wanted to smoke and can kokanee.
I devised a plan. Hook up the boat and trailer while air drying the kokanee (out of the brine) and get it on the smoker by 8:00am. Get to Clear Lake and on the water by 9am come home by 12 and the smoking should be done. Then can any fish I get with the other kokanee I had.

Right on schedule fishing by 9am. Limit by 10:30am, ahead of schedule.
My first kokanee came up and it looked like it tried to eat my stacked lure. Probably not but what a mess it was to untangle.

I used 2 new lures, attached to Dick Nite Spoons Dodgers. The names of the lures are Mini Squiddy Thang Pink and Orange is Gold. They were at (13) 23-(19) 29 feet down. I caught 4 on Squiddy Pink and I thought that while I was unhooking the 4th fish I would put the other new lure down since it has only been on the top of the stacked rods which had no bites. Before I could finish bleeding the other koke in the net I had another on which ended up being the biggest. I netted it with the other kokanee that was bleeding and I didn’t loose either, out of the net. They were 10-12 inches.
I didn’t use the stacked rod all the time because there were a few gusts of wind that made it hard to steer. It was mostly cloudy with a 95% chance of rain but it didn’t.

We are in a battle! Angler against fish! We need an arsenal of weapons and at my site you will find some of those different weapons. For all those who wannafish a lure come in and take a look at WannafishALure.com.
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5/27/2014 7:11:00 AM
That is a mouth watering finished product you have there! Thanks for the report and pics.
5/27/2014 8:34:00 AM
Great report and those fish look wonderful, what brine are you using? So gotta ask and just call me a newbee, but why bleed them does it change the taste? My buddy does this on the sound with large salmon but does it make a difference with the kokanee?
5/27/2014 2:56:00 PM
Nice fish! How long of a leader do you fish behind your dodger?
5/27/2014 3:03:00 PM
My leader will be about 12-14 inches...I am never exact with it.
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