11/24/2013 10:00:00 AM
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Braved the 16* cold this morning to try for some big browns up at Waitts. Some duck hunters welcomed our arrival with a couple volleys at the numerous ducks. Our first fish came after about 10 mins worth of casting before my hands were so numb I set my rod in the holder and the rods buried, my buddy reeled it a nice post spawn buck 22" and 3.5 lbs. That was one of only 2 decent fish all day the other was a 18" post spawn hen. What the rest of the fish lacked in size they made up with numbers and vicious strikes. Caught and released all but 9 fish that were to ravaged by rapaplas to set free. We tried the DR's at all depths and long lines but the 12"-14" fish could not be escaped. Great day of fishing besides the cold.