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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Bud N Marys

Phone: (800) 742-7945

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Union Lake Report
King County, WA



Smallmouth Bass

Had to run some errands today with the boy and on the way we stopped off at a fishy looking spot and started throwing gear for some Bass.. not long in I saw a chaser so I worked that area consistently with a few different baits and finally one of my crankbaits hooked up! I Landed my 1st SM Bass EVER!! took about an hour of working it.. My son got a few chases too and was learning how to cast a spinning reel setup and crankbait really good.. by the end, his casts were 30 ft out.. so stoked on that! but even more stoked on the fish!

I gave this a 4 cuz we didn't spend too much time and i got my 1st SMB..


6/21/2013 6:01:00 PM
Good Job on your first SMB! How'd it fight?
6/21/2013 6:28:00 PM
That's AWESOME, Oneshot! Congrats! Where you near the ship canal? I fished there once and was surprised to catch a few in a hour. Not the same as a steelhead, but pretty freak'n awesome considering it was so close to home. Let's hit the river soon!
6/21/2013 7:06:00 PM
Congrats! Now you are REALLY hooked. Just wait until you catch your first Largie, they fight different. Smallies run around but Largies just PUUUULLLLLL.
6/21/2013 8:20:00 PM
nicely done. How'd it taste?
6/21/2013 8:22:00 PM
I've caught a few largemouth in Washington, and a bunch as a kid in Texas. I just haven't concentrated much on bass here until now, so it feels good to get rewarded finally for my efforts last couple weeks.. never a smallmouth though.. good fight, it was fun watching him chase the bait down and hit it..

riverbound, get at me early september.. \m/
6/21/2013 8:32:00 PM
#4 FishingFool says:
nicely done. How'd it taste?

I don't know anyone that eats bass.. but I did taste victory and it tasted great!!
6/21/2013 10:01:00 PM
Having caught large mouth in Texas, and what appears to be a decent sized smally in the ship canal . Which do you feel fights harder? I thought, smalliies fight longer and harder than a same size largemouth. The endurance of a small mouth is far superior.
6/21/2013 10:24:00 PM
man.. i can't remember back when i was 12 and 13 how good the fights were in Texas, only that we would catch them in small ponds in Bastrop.. i had to take a trip down memory lane.. we lived on piney ridge dr..zoom in on this map and any pond you see with in like a few square miles i fished and i remember a couple of them had lots of fish. even ones on peoples property we would hit up cuz most land owners were real nice and we were just little kids. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Bastrop,+Texas&hl=en&ll=30.127442,-97.299879&spn=0.013975,0.027981&sll=47.613028,-122.342064&sspn=0.348555,0.895386&oq=bastrop+texas&t=h&hnear=Bastrop,+Texas&z=16
6/21/2013 10:43:00 PM
Props on the fish!! Smallmouth to me are the better fighters, wait til your boy gets his first, fishing buddy for life, nice going!!
6/22/2013 11:26:00 AM
The few smallies I caught do not stop fighting.
6/22/2013 4:04:00 PM
Big congrats. My first smallie was about that size, but fought like it was 8 times as big! It's been a passion ever since. Nice work. Looking forward to the next one.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Bud N Marys

Phone: (800) 742-7945