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Samish Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA


41° - 45°
46° - 50°

I had a couple hours to kill so hooked the boat up and headed for Lake Samish. First Samish trip this year and I am always a little apprehensive about heading to Samish during low traffic periods. The WDFW launch is a notorious tweaker magnet and break-ins are common. I was relieved to find 4 or 5 other rigs in the parking area, safety in numbers right? Anyway, boat in the water and gear down by about 11:30. Fishing solo I started with a pink splatter back teardrop flasher and a clear mini squid on one side and a chartreuse/green Skagit Tackle dodger followed by a green custom spinner/fly on the other. Although the lake was like a mirror there were no fish jumping so I focused on using the FF to search for fish.

About 5 minutes from the launch I spot a couple fish on the meter at 28’ and lowered both riggers to intercept them. Like magic both rods go off and I’m into my first Lake Samish double of the year, for a short while anyway… I didn’t get either fish in the boat. Back in business and about 5 minutes later the Skagit Tackle dodger rod pops the clip again and a short while later a mini but fat kokanee slides over the rim of the net. Over the next ½ hour or so I make 3 or 4 attractor/lure changes while continuing to closely monitor the FF but I was trolling through a dead zone and nothing was going on. I decide to set the side scan at 120’ to see if I could locate schooling fish. Bingo off to my port side I spot a school of fish at about 28’ so I adjust the riggers accordingly and head that way. Again both rods break loose and one more tiny kokanee finds its way into my net. The drill is repeated one more time, side scan school of fish, course adjustment and wham-o! This time a single and after a brief fight the fish turns out to be yet another small kokanee. My fishing window about to close I decide to meter around the small end of the lake so I pack up the gear, put the boat on plane and run towards the bridge. Just past the bridge I begin a quick scan of the lake and did not see a single meter mark that I would say with any certainty was a kokanee. Either way, time was up and it was time to head in.

I was trolling between 1.0 and 1.4 mph in water that was 48-49 degrees. The chartreuse/green Skagit Tackle dodger was the hot ticket and accounted for all the hits less one. I did not identify a specific lure the fish were targeting but anise/krill gel soaked corn seemed to be the bait of choice. It was a quick but sorely needed few hours on the water. Final count 3 smallish kokanee, all released healthy and feisty to grow a bit for our entertainment later this spring/summer.


Mike Carey
4/14/2013 6:17:00 PM
thanks for the report! I like the side scanner - the fish have no where to hide.
4/14/2013 7:32:00 PM
Nice report for a short trip.:) I was in Bellingham this weekend and thought about hitting the lake sunday morning but my mom has moved and theres no place secure enough to park my boat. I hear you about the tweakers but I think its too wet for them still. I had a run in with vandals and luckily my rig didnt get hit but it dose look like a P.O.S. all beat up and nothing nice in it. Thanks for the report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: YJ Guide Service

Phone: (509) 999-0717