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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Twin Lake Report
Kootenai County, ID



36° - 40°
Ice Fishing
Mostly Sunny
Under 40°

Hit the ice of upper Twin at 7:15 and fished until 10:15. 4 fisherman on lower and 1 on upper when I arrived. Fished straight out from launch in 16.3 FOW. A good day to have the shanty with the wind blowing. If you do not have a shanty now is the time to buy when they are closing them out at may of the retailers. Action was good early. Fish were bigger today but no monsters. I put the camera down today when the action slowed. A lot of zoo plankton near the bottom. Caught 30 perch in 3 hours with many times a perch on both poles at the same time. I only kept 4. I filleted them out and the weight of these 4 small fillets was 3.67 ounces. Enough for one. Ice is still in good shape with 5 inches of solid ice with 2 inches of snow on top. As I left there was only one fisherman left on lower and two on upper. This will be my last report on the ice unless we get some more cold weather now that my daughters soccer season is starting up. I do have a guided fishing trip on the Columbia my wife bought me for my birthday. Hoping to catch and release my first 10 pound walleye on this trip out of Rufus. Then off to lake Roosevelt before the arm closes. Until then......


2/23/2013 4:21:00 PM
Swedish Pimple / micro jig combo? Fat Perch - Tasty
2/23/2013 10:14:00 PM
I use the Swedish Pimple as my weight vs a split shot. It works great to attract the fish.

2/23/2013 10:59:00 PM
Thanks, good idea.
2/24/2013 6:53:00 AM
Nice post! You know that they will probably NOT close the Arm this year and the limit will probably go to 16 walleye! Good luck on Rufus!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709