Pink pole and I hit Clear Lake and started fishing about 6:30am. Within the first half hour I knew it was slower than Sunday. It was foggy and misty with the air temp about 68 degrees. Tomorrow is suppose to be even cooler. I started with 2 Dick Nite Pink Splatter dodgers with a Wannafish A Lure Green Ice Swing Blade and the new Pink Splatter variance. Today only one fish came on the Pink Splatter variance. The rest came to the Green Ice Swing Blade. We got 7 in the boat leaving about 9:30am. They were 9-13 inches. The 13 incher is the largest kokanee I have caught at Clear Lake. It was about a pound and a quarter. Pink pole was off to smoke up her first batch of fish.
We are in a battle! Angler against fish! We need an arsenal of weapons and at my site you will find some of those different weapons. For all those who wannafish a lure come in and take a look at
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