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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036

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Loon Lake Report
Stevens County, WA


61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
All Night
61° - 65°

I know a picture can make the report so much more, but our camera is on the fritz and is having issues uploading. That said...
Brother in law and I fished Loon again last night for the evening Kokanee. It was such a great evening out, high 50's for the low, and very light eind to start. We launched at public launch and spent an hour or so pitching for smallies off of the rocky structure on the West side of lake.
At 9:30 we moved to the illusive "Silver hole." We were immediately impressed with how slow the bight was. We fished for an hour in the hole and only managed 2 dink silvers. So after much debate about whether to let the fish come to us, or move and find fish, we rock paper scissored and decided to move. We went about 100 yards to the right of the Silver hole and marked another school, and fished there for another hour or so, and didn't catch narry a thing. So, after much more debate, and going back and forth, we moved yet again, deciding it is better to die trying than to not try at all.
We moved this time about 150yards to the left of the illusive silver hole. We marked so many fish this time. We dropped anchor and not a second after dropping jigs down, brother in law has another koke to the boat. We caugh 4 more out of this hole before it died off. After much more debate, and circular reasoning, we decided that when they aren't coming to you, you have to go get them yourself. We moved another 100 yards, located another school. By this time it's pushing 1:00, and we're hoping this is it. Well, this move kept us in it till about 3:45 when we decided enough was enough. The kicker is we would set a time limit to leave, and right at the buzzer, we'd get a solid hit, or a fish in the boat. The final flury ende with a 12" crappie hitting our glow hook at 24'. We were getting blown into shore pretty good, and we called it a night. Total fish caught- 14 Kokanee, 1 crappie. Kokes were all 10.5-12" except the two that were 8"ers. Conditions were clear w/full moon, high 50's for the low temp, and sporadic calm/ windy stretches. Only a few boats out. Jig's were green, orange,and blue glow hooks fished at 32'. We had to move to find them tonight to salvage an otherwise poor night. If one of us could have caught the 5 solid hits he had, we would have ended with 17 fish in the boat. The action clearly picked up after 1:00, but we had to move to find 'em.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036