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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Hook & Bait

I decided to fish after work, the rain had stopped and it seemed as though it would stay that way. As I walked out onto the dock at Log Boom I didn’t see a soul except the resident Blue Heron. I didn’t even see the Eagles out fishing. I thought, not a good sign. After last week’s accidental Carp catch I decided that I would actively target them today. I was using a 7’ medium ugly stick, 12 lb mono, with a hair rig which consisted of a #6 hook and 30lb moss green braid.

I chummed the area that was going to fish and proceeded to rig my pole, after the thirty minutes, I threw in my line with about four pieces of corn on the hair. I kept hearing some fish surfacing, but never could see him, just the concentric circles he left.

After about an hour, the sun broke out briefly and I realized that I had selected the wrong spot to fish, it wasn’t in the weed break I thought it was, that was 10’ further up. I threw a chum ball there and continued to fish the spot I was at. After thirty minutes I moved to the new spot.

The hair rig for me is new, and I am not sure the best method to fish it, some say fish it with the line taught, others say leave the line slack or to fish with the bail open. I tried with the line taught. My rod tapped, I went to set the hook, nothing, when I examined the bait my corn was gone. I replaced it, threw in some more chum and fished it with the line slack.

I was thinking about packing it up when I the line began to move. I reeled in the slack and set the hook. My rod bent and I had a brief fight with the fish, it was at this point it broke the surface and I realized that what I had caught was a Rainbow Trout. This time, I had brought my net and quickly scooped him up. He measured 19 ¾ “, just barely legal to keep and weighed after processing 2.5 lbs. My wife loves Rainbow Trout and this definitely made up for last night’s tiff.
My camera crapped out a the dock so I had to take pics after I figured out what went wrong sorry for quality.


The Quadfather
6/23/2012 6:45:00 PM
Nice surprise fish on the corn. (When you were looking for carp, I mean) Funny... we have the same dining room table, Pottery Barn. LOL.
6/24/2012 2:04:00 AM
Good catch Hortus. I was hoping you catch another carp though...I need to find the weed break that you reported earlier.
6/24/2012 7:16:00 AM
now that's some nice look'n porn
6/24/2012 11:51:00 AM
We must have missed each other. I have been there every day since tuesday but real early like 5:00am. I keep waking up so what the heck. I have been targeting the carp too, right at the south end of the high railing on the west side. I have managed to get 3 pickups but no hookups in the last 2 days about 10 feet out with no weight just corn. Are you in that area or further down the dock?
6/24/2012 4:21:00 PM
I was out earlier today but no takers for me, only a bait thief trying to take my corn. I did meet some nice people though. The general area that I’m fishing is opposite from the two pylons out in the live well. I am thinking of trying a little shallower, but that’s hard to do as I have caught one there and I think the area is good. I actually haven’t been out this whole week at Log Boom, Saturday was my first outing. I’m there around 7ish on weekends but thinking about going earlier this Tuesday. I did find some really good corn from Fred Meyers, super sweet corn; the kernels are really big and easy to use and bright yellow. I got some Styrofoam balls from my work and I’m thinking of trying to float the corn a little, I need to experiment with them first.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Fast Action Guide Service

Phone: (425) 753-5772