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Roses Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny

After a rest and lunch, Cindy and I headed over to Roses Lake for round two. Got on the water around 2;30ish and started on the south end working the edges of the toules and out to about 12 feet depth. We used our usual assortment of Plastics on jigheads, and Nightcrawlers under a bobber. Caught lots of fish but on the small side. I actually boated fish on this trip so I was feeling pretty good. We were catching loads of juvenile LMB along the reeds on plastic minnow and micro creatures, and dark colors were getting the most hits. Cindy caught Yellow perch, blugill, crappie, and bass on this trip so she was happy. in fact she caught Two Bass on one cast AND landed both of them.We were in about 10 feet of water and picking up a small crappie and a small bass occassionally when Cindy lets out a Whoop. I look around and she has a 8 inch bass on the line and this Big Dark shape is chasing it around. About that time her feather-lite rod with 4# line bends to the water. Talk about an adrenaline surge, she is excited. After lots of pole bending and clutch burning, she nets her biggest ever LMB. It weighed in at 5# 5oz. WOW, what a battle. Luckily we were in open water so she could play it down. The poor lil guy had it's tail sticking out of the Bass's Mouth, and with a little TLC, was able to swim off to grow a little bigger.
After a fe pics, the bass swam off wondering what happend to dinner, but no worse for wear. LOL. All fish were C&Rd so I didn't have to clean fish twice today. A very good day with lots of action, for some at least LOL, and I was able to spend another great day on the water with My favorite fishing partner. Thight lines, sharp hooks, and hungry fish


5/7/2012 11:23:00 AM
Another fun report, thanks!
5/7/2012 1:55:00 PM
We are fortunate sir, to be married to our favorite fishin' buddies! Enjoyed your PM and your reports!
5/7/2012 10:43:00 PM
That ol' yellow pole is famous! And getting a work out today. From the write up, it is apperent this was a fund day for you and the Misses. Was the big one just not letting go of lunch? Or was a hook in it too?
5/8/2012 6:41:00 AM
Ah yes! At it again! Thanks for the report.
blufin loui
5/8/2012 8:03:00 PM
you're welcome urbanangler, look forward to reading more from your fishing outings.
blufin loui
5/8/2012 8:04:00 PM
Hey ya fishinChristian, 30 plus years of happy casting together and still going strong. LOL
blufin loui
5/8/2012 8:07:00 PM
MotoBoat, the little bass was caught on a 1/16 oz jighead with a plastic creature, and when the bigger bass inhaled it, the jig came out of the little bass's lip and hooked into the big girl. What a site.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709