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Waitts Lake Report
Stevens County, WA



51° - 55°
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
56° - 60°

Took my kids to Waitts on Sunday (4-29) for limits of Trout (Browns and Rainbows). Trolled spinners with nightcrawlers on downriggers and lead core. Fished from 10-25' and caught fish at most depths. Fish were all different sizes with my daughter catching the big fish of the day with a 19" 3lb 4oz Rainbow.


5/9/2012 10:21:00 PM
Nice report. Good sized fish in the picture too. How big was the smallest one? I am looking at taking my 85 year old grandpa fishing on Saturday and looking for a good lake to go. We have usually gone to Roosevelt but that seems to be a big waste of time right now. He has a pretty large boat so a lot of the smaller lakes aren't very accommodating. Also do to his age and unstable legs we like to have a good dock at the launch. He used to really like to fish Diamond but that has become a non-option. Any advice? Thanks
5/10/2012 2:01:00 PM
The other fish were consderably smaller but there is a good population of big Browns and Rainbows in Waitts. The public launch has a small dock that you access by walking across some 2X6's so not a great deal for the older generation. If I was taking someone with limited mobility I would likely launch at Silver Beach Resort. They have a giant dock and good launch...parking can be a pain and you have to pay but it may be worth it in your case. I also like Diamond but hate the public access...luckily I have a buddy that lives on the lake and so he just launches me and takes my truck to his house and then I meet him at his dock. Good luck to you!
5/12/2012 6:14:00 AM
Thanks for the help. Headed to Waits this morning. Thanks for the advice. Silver Beach Resort it is.
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