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Website: Ross Outdoor Adventures

Phone: (509) 750-7763

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Liberty Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Top Fishing From Shore
Brown Trout
Floating Minnow

Went back to Liberty this morning in the wind, tossed a silver and black jerk bait and got a pretty decent 5 fish limit of browns. A couple fish were in the 18" range. I didnt see any bait fish caught nor have I seen any Rainbows caught yet. FYI for those who might not have heard yet the DFW is looking into allowing Liberty to become a warm water fishery, they are not going to put as many Trout plants as they used to and they have been putting walleye fingerlings in.


AJ's Dad
3/6/2012 7:19:00 AM
I like the sound of walleyes going in to Liberty Lake again!

Now if they can just find a way to eradicate the water and jet skiiers once the weather warms up, it could be a great place to fish, close to home. I wonder if they have tried gillnetting them? LOL

Happy Fishing
3/6/2012 7:42:00 AM
I agree with you AJ's Dad that it would be a great place for walleye I heard that they were in there but never have got one.
Do think fingerlings would make it and not get all eaten?
3/6/2012 12:11:00 PM
I saw a walleye in Liberty early last summer while bass fishing. It was up shallow in about 6' of water. I didn't realize what is was till I was just about on top of it. I fish for walleyes a lot on Roosevelt and the fish I saw in Liberty was easily 5-6lbs. A guy could probably pick a few up if he doesn't have to fight with the idiot water and jet skiers as the water begins to warm.
3/6/2012 5:13:00 PM
Hi guys, a friend mine worked with DFW at the end of last season pulling a couple sample gill nets and they got an 11lb surprise in one of the nets so the Walleye are going strong. They also got a few in the 16-18" range, the guys he was working with said to fish late evening to find them so maybe we will start seeing reports of Walleye catches. Also for your info they got quite a few nice smallmouth bass but I think we all expected that.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Ross Outdoor Adventures

Phone: (509) 750-7763