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Website: Hammer Down Excursions

Phone: (208) 839-9993

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Green Lake Report
King County, WA



Brown Trout

Let me start off by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! :)

I started off the day right by hitting Green Lake to test my luck against the Browns. I met up with Youshhucks at 9 am and we began fishing right away. Our plan of attack was to start off fishing the wind blown banks and working our way around the entire lake.

I brought my 6' 6'' M Abu Garcia Veritas / Daiwa Tierra Spinning Combo which is quickly becomming my favorite spinning combo. I also brought my 7' H Team Daiwa T & Daiwa Tierra Casting Combo with me. I was throwing different types of inline spinners, and jerk baits with my spinning combo and crankbaits with my casting combo.

We get to a spot which is quickly becomming my favorite spot because it has produced for me 2 / 3 times. I started off throwing a spinner but then decided I wanted to throw my crankbait just to see if I could get something to hit. Within about 10 minutes, I get a savage strike about 10 - 15 feet off from shore and set the hook!! Fish On!! I horse it in and flip it up onto shore and it's a beauty!!

I was completely ecstatic and was going nuts! The adrenaline was raging through my veins! I couldn't believe it. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to keep this lure under the wraps for now. It is not a lure that is commonly thrown for trout and I don't think I've ever heard of anyone using them for trout.

As soon as I got it on shore I noticed the tail of a fish sticking out of it's mouth. Immediately I knew it was unmistakably a sculpin. It was flopping around for a while and the fish that was almost completely down it's throat was slowly coming out. I managed to snap a couple pics of the fish during the brief moments that it stayed still and wasn't flopping around. I then weighed her up and she came in at 1 lb 14 oz! Just under 2 lbs! :)

I put her back in the water and within 5 seconds she swam off strong. Completely stoked and still running on adrenaline, I cast back out and about 20 casts or so later, we are contemplating moving on to another spot. So I quickly begin to burn my lure in and right at the shoreline a monster 5+ lb Brown Trout shoot likes a rocket after my lure and smacks it as I am pulling it out of the water! Unfortunately I missed the fish because this happened in a split second and I was not expecting anything like that to happen at all.

So I cast back out shallow several times hoping that this beast was still in the area but no dice. I then start casting out further and as it is getting close to shore, I get a follow from a smaller brown. It ended up following my lure about 6 different times or so and turning away at the last second. A few casts later and BAM! I get another hit and I am hooked up! This time the fish hit maybe 20 - 30 feet out. I am cranking her in and flip her up on shore. Another nice Brown Trout! A bit smaller than the first one but still a nice one. I didn't weigh her but I would put her between 1.25 - 1.5 lbs. Was a bit more silver in color than brown but another beautiful chunky fish. I didn't even bother snapping a picture and quickly got her back in the water.

After this, we began making out way around the lake. We hit a bunch of spots that looked good. The wind began to pick up real strong and then it started to rain. We kept working our way around the lake and we stop at the spot where I caught my second brown. I start throwing my crankbait and get nothing so I switch it up to my trust spinner. After about 15 casts or so I get one really hard savage strike that tugged back with force! Instantly I set the hook and the fish is off. It must have been a short strike or maybe the fish hit the spinner head on and manage to avoid the hooks.

As for the action, that's where it ended. We made our way all the way around the lake and decide to call it a day. The rain was picking up, the wind was getting super strong. However, I decided to go back to the spot where I caught the two fish. I continued to fish for about 45 minutes and got nothing. By that time the rain started to soak through the millions of layers I had on and my hands became painfully cold so I called it a day.

Thanks again Green Lake, you've been good to me so far :)
I also ran into several people who recognized me from the site. Sorry but I didn't catch your names / aliases. Tight lines everyone!


11/24/2011 11:48:00 PM
Today just wasnt my day for catching a brown. Next time i head out there with you im definitely bringing some of those lures!! who wouldve thought that those worked so well? Great fish you caught, that sculpin comin out the trouts mouth was a trip for sure, those browns are awesome predators.
11/24/2011 11:49:00 PM
yeah man, you're due for a fatty brown :) and they are awesome predators indeed. much more aggressive than you would expect from a trout!
11/25/2011 1:56:00 PM
Nice report Elijah! Thanks for the great pictures too.
11/26/2011 2:26:00 PM
great report as usual, seen anymore channel cats? Will eventually make my way down there, just itchin to go time/weather permitting,..
11/26/2011 4:40:00 PM
i haven't seen any more channel cats. maybe it was just that day or a few where the weather really got to them. you really should get out there regardless of the weather. the nasty weather gets them biting :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Hammer Down Excursions

Phone: (208) 839-9993