5/26/2011 6:25:00 PMI definitely had a favorite spot on the lake away from the crowds but it has been over a decade (gasp) since flyfishing there. Used to fish it religiously around this time of year or a little earlier back in the early 1990s and exclusively dry flies :-). Would put on the headphones and listen to Sonics playoff games (think at least one year they played the Houston Rockets back then). Or just zone out in peace on the water.
Favorite patterns were a burnt orange elk hair wing compara dun size 14 with tan body or else a deer hair compara dun wing with similar lightish brown dubbed body. Light tippet, think it was 3 pound.
There was a mayfly hatch in one area that would come off seemed in the early afternoons if memory serves correctly.
Was in a flat (think it was slightly muddy on bottom) but where deeper water wasn't too far off. I was over water that was probably 15 feet deep but cast to 5-8 feet deep water (toward shore). Had a few real nice rainbows on a dry. Couple big browns too. Plus the usual 8-15 inch fish thrown in. Seemed to only pick up the bigs on a totally drag free drift. They were fairly picky but could get them on dries.
Great memories from that lake that really settled the mind. Hope your venture is something you'll remember for years to come and enough to get you back out there!
If I got bored or hatch died down (it was a sporadic hatch and never heavy) I would drag the burnt orange pattern behind me (using float tube) on the surface and catch fish that way sometimes although never the big trout. I did score decent atlantic salmon though on occassion dragging the dry.
Don't think I hardly ever got a bigger trout if there was drag on my fly. but if the wind was light and let the fly whip around w/o drag on the surface or just let it sit, I would occassionally hook int osome very nice trout (mostly rainbows but some browns too).
Hope everyone out there is doing well with the fish! I gotta get back out there one of these months... It has been awhile.