5/20/2011 9:26:00 PMWannabe
5/21/2011 12:20:00 PMActualy though it's a name that started many years ago, about 34 years ago. My brother and I stopped by (I think' it's called Ted's) Ted's on 99 in Lynnwood to buy fishing licenses and get some advice. The guy behind the counter was a bit of an as@#ole and was very condesending, I think he thought he was Gods gift to the fishing world? His first comment to us was something along the lines of, "you look like casual fishermen", my brother & I were fairly insulted and decided we would be wannabe (want to be) fishermen. To this day I refuse to go back to Teds!
randy n' lizzie
5/22/2011 12:51:00 PMSorry to hear about your bad experience so long ago at Ted's. I've been a customer of Ted's a little more than a year and have seen firsthand the care they give customers, from beginners to old salts. All the staff is knowledgeable and will give you as much time and help as you need. I know some old wounds don't heal, but if you can find it in your heart, you might find they have become a first class place to get fishin' stuff and information.
Good luck on the water!!!!!!