I was really tempted to run over to Samammish and meet fellow member Matt, however the lure of chunkier cutts and keeper kokes won out and I headed down to the Newport launch. I was on the water around 9:30am and while running down towards South Point I spotted a flock of grebes north of Coleman Point just inside the East Channel. Sure enough the grebes were over some bait that was sitting 40’ down in 70’ to 90’ of water. I worked this area over with a dodger and mini squid and picked up two cutts in the 18” range. Both fish were hens that had spawned and looked to be putting on the weight once again and both were released unharmed. Around 11:00am I got a call from the wife to meet her at Luther Burbank so we could take our new adopted dog out for a cruise on the water. It was a good day for it, with calm waters, slightly overcast skies and minimal boat traffic. After about an hour cruise, I dropped the wife and new dog back off at Luther Burbank and decided to troll the area a bit to see if anything was in the biting mood. The waters nearest Mercer Island didn’t produce any fish for me, but the area along the shore south of Meydenbauer bay yielded a couple of kokanee just shy of the 12” minimum size limit that went into effect the 1st of March. There were some massive schools of fish in the area and I picked up the kokanee 60’ down using a mini Apex lure. I also worked the area over with a mini cutt plug lure in hopes of enticing a cutt, but it was not to be. For you bass folks, the surface temps were around 43 degrees near South Point and a bit warmer at 45+ degrees around the north side of Mercer Island. The sonar pic came from the area in which I picked up the kokanee. I can’t believe that a cutt wasn’t in the area, perhaps it was to stuffed to take my lure.
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from G-Man.
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