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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Washington Guide Services

Phone: (509) 881-9052

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Chelan Lake Report
Chelan County, WA




WOW, WHAT A DAY!! The planetary alignments must have been in my favor as I was able to make a trip out on Lake Chelan with Joe from Lake Chelan Adventures (a sponsor on the site) after not being able to make it out on previous occasions. Over the years Joe has given me pointers and tips on how to catch the Deep water Lakers here on Lake Chelan, but I’ve never been able to dial in the success I felt I should be accomplishing. Well after today I feel like I may be a little closer to understanding the technique needed to be more successful. I was probably 80% correct in my putting everyone’s advice to use, BUT I found out the other 20% was killing me. To name a few, I thought I was working the bottom, Not. I thought I had good speed control, Not. And I thought I was doing a fine job of reading my depth finder, Well I’m not doing too bad, but now I can understand better what I am really seeing on the bottom. Joe was showing me how to read the fine detail My Lowrance is capable of displaying. I also thought I had the whole deepwater bite, hook set, play the fish thing down, but alas, more was learned in that area too. So to move along, Kinda got ahead of myself there, We were at the fishing hole around mid morning, and Joe preceded to show me how to set up the rigs, and instructions on the Scottys. As I have never been exposed to Scotty Downriggers, this was a great learning opportunity also. Down into the depths goes the first set up, and with it skimming along close to the bottom to Joe’s satisfaction, he starts on the second rod, remember there are two more rods with line going out to the required distance behind the boat, with me in rapt attention. Joe looks over and says, it would probably be a good idea if you reeled in that fish. Low and Behold, the first setup was going down with a bite. So Yank and crank and ole blufin is hooked up with the first fish of the day before the second rig is even set. Joe sets the second rig, and as I’ve got a couple hundred feet of line, with fish attached at the other end, to retrieve, Joe starts to set up the snap weight rod. Now I’m really into this fish, so I look over to let Joe know how much I was enjoying the first fish of the day and there He is yanking the second setup out of the holder and setting the hook. NO WAY, a double and all the rods aren’t even set up yet. Well, Two fish on and two rods in the process of being set up. Joe halted the setup on the two remaining rods while he fought in his fish. Luckily my fish was a smaller one, so I netted it while Joe continues his retrieve. This action set the course for the morning. The other two rods were finally set, and the action continued. I’ve never utilized the snap weight rigging before, and after seeing how effective it was today, I will be trying it out in the future. It was fast and furious action, and in 3 ½ hours of morning fishing there were 19 lakers in the cooler and we decided to call it a day. As we rig down and reminisce about the fantastic morning, Joe says we need to get a pic. So its out of the cooler and onto the “pole” goes the fish so “ole” blufin can hold em and show em. Easier said than done. Joe says “hold them up and smile”, well I struggle to hold em up, and Joe snaps a couple of pics. They totaled out at 72#, and the big fish weighed in at eight pounds. MAN, what a morning’s fishing. Joe You be Da Man. Joe is topnotch at what he does, and made a great trip even better by being so personable and patient. Even after knocking off a couple of Joe’s fish with the net, Joe continued to let me in the fishin area. LOL
Thank you Joe for such an informative and fish catching time. Cindy and I will have to book a trip with ya for some future fishing action


1/6/2011 11:24:00 PM
I was expecting a report for ice fishing, but that is great also!
1/7/2011 12:03:00 AM
Nice! Sounds like you guys had a great time. Also sounds like I need to book a trip with Joe to learn a few things!
1/7/2011 6:12:00 AM
What a magical day! I suspect you'll have soon traded a few gas dollars to the net pens for laker gear.LOL
blufin loui
1/7/2011 6:23:00 AM
Hi ya roman. Lake Chelan rarely freezes over. I've only heard reports of it being iced over in days gone by. The pic is of the fish laid out on the snow just before I introduced them to the fillet knife, nice way to keep them cool and fresh during the cleaning process. We used The Ace Hi fly set up with two hooks as mentiond in most of Joe's Prior Lake Chelan reports. The ace Hi-Fly is tipped with a chunk of Joe' "secret Sauce" soaked pike minnow then trolled close to the bottom.
blufin loui
1/7/2011 6:27:00 AM
Morning afk, Lucky me, I have most of the gear, I was just not using it to optimal technique. LOL. I'll still be supporting the oil industry, Rufus continues to have a draw for me. Just like to fish that body of water. Take care my friend
blufin loui
1/7/2011 6:29:00 AM
Hello fishdoc, it would be money well spent. It's like having one on one fihing seminar, and he scenry is beautiful.
1/7/2011 9:38:00 AM
Hi Lewis, great report, you have just reinforced my desire to do that trip. I would like to do this with my wife as we have family in Leavenworth but she is a fair weather fisherman, so I am going to have to find out when the best time to go will be. Happy New Year to you and yours!
blufin loui
1/7/2011 11:53:00 AM
Hey BMGW, Even though the wife is a fair weather fisherwoman, you and she should be able to do the trip in Joe's boat even in inclement weather. The cabin area is roomy with comfortable seating, with good views out the windows, and best of all it IS warm and dry. So if she enjoys reading her fav book or doing needlework, or whatever would be her thing, as you fished, it would be doable. When there was Fish ON!!, she could just step out through the curtain and reel it in. bout the only exposure to the weather woud be getting from the rig to the boat. And as far as the best time,this time of year is great for putting fish in the boat. Drop Joe a line, with questions, and ask for pics of the cabin area so your wife can see how it is set up. It would be a trip to enjoy, plus you could have a good visit with the family in Leavenworth.
1/7/2011 12:14:00 PM
I don't see a wet stone in the pcture.LOL Besides, once you do get done filleting all those, then you're going to have to smokem'. That alone is going to keep you off of the water for a few hours.
blufin loui
1/7/2011 1:14:00 PM
Whet stone, We don't need no "stinking" whet stone. LOL I had whipped up an edge with the "Work Sharp" prior to starting, but there at the last few fish it wasn't cutting as easy as when I started. Figured I'd have to touch em up, but turned out the flesh was starting to freeze. LOL Oh, as far as not getting on the water cause I gotta smoke em, well I like to brine for a couple of days. May look at some water to terrorize. LOL
Lake Chelan Adventures
1/7/2011 5:02:00 PM
Great Report Lewis...Thanks again for fishing with me..We will do it again soon!!!!
1/7/2011 8:56:00 PM
Awesome mess of fish Lew Way to go. Next time leave a few in the lake for the next guy LOL.
The Jigmiester
1/7/2011 9:18:00 PM
Hwy Louie. Awewsome report my friend. I'm still shooting to hook up with you on the 9th forr Rufus. I'll give you a call some time on the 8th. I learned a lot just reading your post! Kudos, my grizzled angler friend. Jiggy
blufin loui
1/8/2011 10:07:00 AM
Hey MalottGuy. I don't think "I'll" be much of a detriment to the lakers. But I'm going to give em heck trying. LOL
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Washington Guide Services

Phone: (509) 881-9052