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Website: Black Star Fishing Co.

Phone: (206) 351-3749

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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA



Rainbow Trout
All Day

Cindy woke up this morn with a gap toothed smile and a desire to go fishing. Somehow she lost a filling during the night (didn't swallow the filling), and will have to make a run to the dentist for some dental repair work. Anyway, we got to the launch around 0830 and headed up river. Right above pump #3 and on the Douglas side, there was 2 doe and twin fawns at the waters edge. . We slowed down to enjoy the sight, and one of the doe headed up the bank and into the sage. Must have had her fawns hidden. Just before we got to the boat-in campground, we saw another doe and her fawns down at the river getting a drink. Then just before we got to the pens, there was a doe on the shoreline. WOW, it was a morning for the deer.
We fished most of the day and C&Rd 15 or so fish in the 3 - 7# class. The 7 pounder (estimate) was a self release, or it would have been put on ice. LOL. The fish we caught were full of fight and would get some air before the fight was done. Cindy kept a 4# that was hooked deep, and I kept a 6# for the grill. We had hopes of catching a "Big" one, but Cindy lost two that would have fit that class. I was trying to catch one on the fly rod, and wasn't having any luck, had them chase spinners, but no takers there either. I did catch one on a green and silver Kastmaster, but could not repeat the feat. Could see fish surfacing, and an occassional cruiser, but the cooperation was slow. When we decided to call it a day we had a fish each, and thought we'd keep the next fish for a limit.. Wrong! We tried most everything in the boxes, and nothing would work. OH Well, It's called fishing for a reason.. LOL It was fantastic too see the fawns, and the weather was great, just a little hot for me. Air temp in low 90s, and water temp 61* - 62*. Another great day on the Rufus Woods. There weren't many fishermen on the water, but the mouth of the Okanagon was packed this AM. Hope the salmon was jumping in the boat for them.


7/19/2010 12:22:00 PM
Hey Lewis, Great timing on the pictures of deer. Jeremy drew a youth antler less tag for the Bridgeport area! I'm looking forward to having to scout out the area from the water!
Good to know that there are fish to be had also.
Thanks again, Andy
7/19/2010 10:02:00 PM
Hope Cindy and her tooth are doing okay, but I am sure a few fish on the line helped in that a lot.
Bob R
7/20/2010 6:30:00 AM
Had to laugh when I read that you decided to keep the next ones just when the bite dropped off! Great report, Bob R.
blufin loui
7/20/2010 9:09:00 PM
Can't wait to hear of the youth hunting adventure afk, that shout be a blast. keep us posted on the progress of the outing.
blufin loui
7/20/2010 9:11:00 PM
Hey ya mallotguy, the chipped tooth didn't hamper the smiles, and it's fixed up today.. She had 2 released, and the one hooked deep in the boat before I had a bite. Dang, that woman is good. LOL
blufin loui
7/20/2010 9:13:00 PM
Thanks Bob R, I like the quote one of the members uses, "in the end, it's up to the fish". Nothing like a little lock jaw to keep us humble. Have a great one out there.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Black Star Fishing Co.

Phone: (206) 351-3749