Sunday was another great kokanee experiment! Got to the lake about 8am,.. only one other boat on the water as we launched. This time we trolled 0000 dodgers with a wedding ring about 16" behind. about 24" ahead of the dodger was a 1oz banana trolling weight. Wife had a couple of strikes but no hook ups,..... I had a fish to the boat, but it came unhooked as I was grabbing the net,..... didn't get a great look at it, but it appeared to be about 9 or 10" and a bit more silvery than a rainbow. I think my speed might be a little fast even on the first setting of the electric motor. Also my old hummingbird does'nt seem to mark fish as well as it gives the depth. After a while tried trolling for trout,.. and still fishing for a bit. Caught 1 small rainbow with sherbet power bait and sent him back to grow up some. It's such a nice, quiet setting. We'll just keep trying!