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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Ross Outdoor Adventures

Phone: (509) 750-7763

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Potholes Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass

This is a report for this past weekend's trip to the Potholes Resevoir:

4/24 Arrived at 3pm and in spite of the wind launched at around 5pm after getting camp set. Ran to the dunes and found them submerged and water temps in the low 50's ugh! Headed way back into them and tried largemouth for an hour with no results. Ran down towards Goose Island (with the wind) and tried for smallies, no luck. Continued towards the WDFW launch by Lind Coulee and again couldn't find a smallie. Decided to call it a night and attempted to head back to Mar-Don into what was now a 20mph wind with swells to 3'?? Took waves to the face, chest, lap and had standing water on the front deck LOL! One wave flattened my gimble mounted Lowrance, no damage but wish we would have brought our rain gear! SOAKED!

4/25 Started between MarDon and the State Park then once again into the dunes and spent half the day back there, nothing! Again went and worked the island, the wall of the dam, nothing. Fished down by the spillway and caught the two in the pics, my buddy lost a nice one. Air temps in the upper 60's, water temps climbed to 57* still crap for the east side this time of year! With colder weather and rain in the forecast we decided to cut our loses and headed for home the next day after picking up one more 2lb booger smallie on a grub the morning of 4/26. Cold weather after the Potholes Open Tournament and 3 other tournaments I feel shut things down pretty good?! May make a revenge trip over there next month?.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Ross Outdoor Adventures

Phone: (509) 750-7763