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Cottage Lake Report
King County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Hook & Bait

Went to Cottage lake and caught a few. 2 were small, 8-9" range. I caught one larger one, but it was covered in red sores (pictured). A friend suggested that it is Whirling Disease. Anyway I threw it back, but now I'm thinking I should have thrown it away, so it wouldn't spread the infection or whatever it is.


6/17/2009 1:34:00 PM
Def NOT whirling Desease. That causes a curve in the spine that causes the fish to swim in circles..ie..whirlings...they are very very thin until they die..usally from starvation..I just came from Montana where it is starting to subside..10 years ago it was first found and since then Mother nature is taking care of it her self. The #s of trout with it are fewer and fewer each year.
6/17/2009 7:19:00 PM
could those marks be from leeches ? Just guessing. I really have no idea.
6/18/2009 2:13:00 PM
interesting. if anyone catches any more with these symptoms, the should take it to the fish and game to be diagnosed
6/18/2009 8:43:00 PM
well for al you ding dongs who dont use safe handling rules when releasing your fish,your stripping that slimy protectant off of thoes fish,which makes them supseptable to scaring and desease.Trout don't have big tough scales like bass do.So when your touching them and even using you 6ft nets with that crappy green vinyl....your killing the fish!!!
7/23/2009 2:20:00 PM
Totally not whirling disease. Cottage Lake does have leeches, though they are very small. I have experience with parasitology at work as well, and those little spots are not a sign of worms either. Caught 3 trout at Cottage not too long ago with the same marks, checked them out at home, and they were totally fine. Too bad for you really, and I hope that fish didn't die when you threw it back!
8/14/2009 4:54:00 PM
I caught a 12" inch bow last August from Beaver Lake with the same spots. We did take him home and there were no visible worms. We're all still alive! lol I couldn't find any information about this. My first thoughts were Whirling Disease as well, but it's not. I was wondering if they were getting nipped by other fish in the lake.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Reel Obsession

Phone: (888) 855-7335