We were fishing by 10:00 AM...trolling with drift boat. Wind was a problem off and on.
We caught two rainbows (12" &17") along the West side and north end. Fished with a #8 sized sparrow. Then as the wind came up we retreated to the big cove on the east side and caught another 17" rainbow (triploid?) on a dry fly caddis against the bushes. We had to cook at a Bar-B-Que.. poor planning as the surface activity really picked up about 3PM. The wind died down and it was perfect. I think next week, I'll be there in the late afternoon fishing dry flies. There were lots of alder flies about (#10 black caddis would work fine). Unlike the reports on west-fly...
those alder flies scoot about on the surface just like the caddis. The next really hot weather should bring out the flying ants also...need to have those in the flybox.