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Website: Northwest Fishing Expeditions

Phone: (208) 880-2994

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Chambers Lake Report
Thurston County, WA


Largemouth Bass


BAD DAY---Got to the boat launch at Chambers today at 10:45 am and two thugs were hanging out in the parking lot. Did not see them at first and put the boat in the water. When I went to park the truck and trailer, saw a van with a family looking to use the Chehalis Western Trailhead but they saw the two thugs and turned around and left.

I pulled into the parking staff and noticed that one of the thugs was carrying a billy club. He and his cohort were obviously looking to break into vehicles. I called 911 imediately and locked the doors to the truck. I stayed on the phone watching them watching me until the police arrived.

While the cop talked to them, I put the boat back on the trailer. But while I was winching it up, the two thugs came toward me. Now, the launch is out of site from the parking area where the cop was parked and I did not feel safe at all with the two thugs watching me load up so I got it onto the trailer as quickly as I could and pulled it up to in front of the cop before I got out to tie it down.

After I tied down the boat, I went and talked to the cop. He said that they had a run in with one of the two thugs before but since they had not committed any crime there, they could not make them leave or do anything about it. He said that if I had not called they would probably have broken into a vehicle and probably mine since my truck looks newer. He said he would hang out and watch them until they left or until he got called to something more important. I left and the thugs watched me with malice in their eyes as I did.

Not going back there, my vehicle is marked. Too bad, this is a really good early spring lake. In fact, I caught a 4 1/4 lb bass just a week ago here on a soft jerkbait.



3/24/2009 6:20:00 PM
I geuss it's cool to make assumptions.
3/24/2009 6:24:00 PM
Man that sucks for you..i have also had that kind expierience at american lake except i just left before launching ..what a waste of air these punks are...From what i have heard is that the apartments across the way hold gangs and lowlife no good scum wannabe punk arse losers...to bad we cant just .......them...tight lines somewhere man
3/24/2009 7:03:00 PM
Exactly why it's so important to protect our right to carry!! Imagine if it was dark, and you were coming back in from fishing and those guys were there between you and the walk to your rig?! I have had that scenario unfold on more than one occassion! They like the boat launches in the rural areas for lack of patrol and it's a good place for them to smoke dope and be stupid. I never go fishing anymore without a firearm, especially night fishing for bass, it's just too risky! You did the right thing, sorry they spoiled your day.
3/24/2009 7:58:00 PM
I am sorry if I seemed to make assumptions, but I really felt threatened by 2 men who did not appear to be wearing walking shoes nor fishing attire at a trailhead/boat launch and one of them carrying a club. Better for me to be wrong about these men, call 911 anyway, and have a police officer check out the situation. I mean, if they are not doing anything wrong, then there is no harm in having the police talk to them. If you want to assume that the situation is OK for you, go ahead and try to fish at this lake. For me, I will take my gear elsewhere.
3/24/2009 8:08:00 PM
I agree with your call, i hate punks like that, they have no respect. I think that was a good ASSUMPTION no matter what anyone says. Stay safe out there.
3/24/2009 8:09:00 PM
RockJig...man dont feel as if u did anything wrong... it was all good...better safe than sorry..im backing ya 10000%..i live in oly and yes they have some bad areas but so does everywhere..you have to be on point now days
3/24/2009 9:15:00 PM
Right on bros! And let's watch each other's backs as well. If you see somebody acting suspicious around a public parking area like that, call the police! I'll do it for you if I see someone looking into YOUR vehicle, hopefully we can all cover each other like this. Nothing ruins a good day on the water like coming back to a vandalized rig! Had it happen to me years ago down in CA, jerks left me stranded with no battery! :-(

BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY like Sparky101 said!
3/24/2009 10:11:00 PM
Have to agree with fly we have to watch each others backs. I had the same thing happen at American a few years ago. The only difference was I caught them in the truck parked two away from me.
Uncle Wes
3/25/2009 12:27:00 PM
That makes you wonder if the WDFW can post a no loitering sign or no trespassing sign (if you do not have a parking pass you are technically trespassing). That in turn will give law enforcement the right to move these scum bags on or arrest them. I have encountered this at several different ramps and I try and get a license number and description written down. But I guess it goes to show you that there is always room in your tackle box for a hand gun.
3/25/2009 9:04:00 PM
Good points made by all. I think we should all watch each others backs at these public launches. I was actually at this lake last weekend. It was during the day and I saw nothing suspicious what so ever, but it can turn ugly anywhere real quick. I got skunked too if anyones wondering haha.
3/25/2009 10:03:00 PM
Man trips to OLY and i dont get NO respect.....man.....i love the kittah though....but i know the WIFEY be on board ;-)
3/25/2009 10:44:00 PM
Chris, was that Saturday mid-day? Were you the ones in the red boat flipping along the east shore? I launched around noon and fished along the SE shore and along the weedline to the south of the big cove on the west. I didnt get any bites either but I sure saw a lot of huge grass carp.
4/4/2009 12:14:00 PM
Uncle Wes, Chambers is a county park not under WDFW control
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Northwest Fishing Expeditions

Phone: (208) 880-2994