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Website: FinReaper GS

Phone: (503) 551-9772

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Lost Lake Report
Kittitas County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
All Day

It was supposed to be a nice day, so I decided to get the dogs out for some exercise. Headed up to Lost Lake, thought we might hit snow, but it was dry as a bone up there. Fished from 10am - 4pm. From all around the lake, using all types of shore-bound methods. Caught 1 Rainbow about 6" on a orange roostertail and 2 Brookies about 8" each, one on a small silver/green crocodile and one on a worm under a bobber, all released. It was a great day to be up there and I was the only person there the whole day. About 3:00, there were lots of fish rising all over the lake, but I didn't have any flies with me. This time last year you could walk out to the little island at the east end of the lake. Right now you can only see about the top 5' of it. Water is low enough to walk around the lake though. As usual, I filled a trash bag while I was there - not that it made a dent though - lots of trash all around this lake now - sad very very sad...


11/17/2008 4:44:00 PM
Nice trip Gringo,I would have figured this place would'nt be any good until next spring. Well done.
11/17/2008 5:12:00 PM
Good job pickin up after the dumbasses who litter the place....I agree, sad very sad.
11/18/2008 7:27:00 AM
nice job pickin up the trash when i go i pick up at least a truck load full cause everybody are stupid and litter
11/23/2008 10:33:00 AM
I'll say it as well, nice job on the trash. Amazing that people can carry a full bottle of beer down to the lake but can't carry an empty back. My buddy and I have been fishing the lake weekly, probably dumb stubborn, but what a terrible fishing year on the lake. We've done consitently lousy. We had a couple of great days shortly after it was planted, released everything, seems half of russia was there though, if you get my drift.........anyway, we got a couple each two weeks ago. Was sorry to see the outhouses go, whoever was responsible for them being there had the right idea, the garbage is bad enough, but last year the place was like waking through a sewage treatment plant.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: FinReaper GS

Phone: (503) 551-9772