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Website: Austin's Northwest Adventures

Phone: (509) 668-0298

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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA



Stationary Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line
All Day

How do you say..."Super Hot!!?? Its spelled Rufus Woods!!

Three of us were fishing Friday and Saturday and we did loose count several times, but the best guess as to how many we caught over the two days was around 700 trout. Some would say "yea right buddy" but if you were one of the other boats there watching us constantly having one or more fish on the line and any one time, you would believe!! To give one an idea of the fishing we had, on Friday we had 19 triples....or, 19 times when all three of us had a trout on. Many more times we had doubles on...it was great!

Using the same set up as I wrote about before, the fish pellet imitation fly, the fishing was very hot. I want to add here that it is important when catching this many fish consistently a person needs to make sure they are using single, small barb-less hooks so that the fish are healthy and in good shape when being released. Always wet your hand before handling a fish and if possible, don't take the fish out of the water when your taking the hook out is the best way.

My fly rod pretty much had a fish on at all times these two days and I have more line burns on my fingers now from those heavy big fish taking their long hard runs! Although there were a few times when I would go sometimes as much as 2-3 minutes without a fish on!

The people using power bait on the bottom were not doing all that well and I had no problem telling them what we were using but they still wanted to use the power bait. We were using flies on either spinning rods or fly rod in the top 6' of water, nothing deeper. As we were fishing within 10' of the side of the boat we didn't have to use a fly bobber when using a fly with a spinning rod.

We were fishing the upper net pens and it didn't really matter where around the pens a person was, the fish were basically all over. I never get tired of being able to sight fish, I found myself pulling the fly out of the mouths of smaller fish before they could bite down on it, trying to get the bigger ones....all good fun!!!

It was a little windy and cloudy but the fish were still very hot on the bite. The water temp. is now just starting to fall a degree or two each week so it will not be too long until the fishing really gets hot for casting lures for the trout. We won't be going back there this weekend as its opening day of deer season but are looking forward to the colder water temps. when deer season is over and the big trout come out to bite.


10/7/2008 5:13:00 PM
Chirs you are killing me. I hope I can make it over there before the deep freeze sets in.
Thanks for the report.
10/7/2008 6:45:00 PM
How heavy tippet are you using?Sounds like you were using intermediate fly line as well.I am heading up that way next week on vacation. looking forward to stopping in there as well as Roosevelt.
outdoor chris
10/8/2008 8:37:00 AM
Actually, I am looking forward to the deep freeze of winter, when the water temp. cools down a few more degrees, the fish are going to leave the open parts of the water and head for shore where they can be caught by casting lures...spinners seem to always work the best but from talking with other fishermen almost anything works then. And the biggest fish can be caught then.....see my entry for last December with pics!!
outdoor chris
10/8/2008 8:42:00 AM
the size of the leader is very important!! One of my fishing buddies was using an 8 lbs test line and was getting fish, but not nearly as many as I was because I was using a 3 lb. test leader with my fly rod. He was using a standard premium line, then he switched to a 5 lb. fluorocarbon line which is much thinner and he was getting as many fish as he wanted to. When using the lighter leader, you just have to have a very good, and lightly set drag on a spinning real and with a fly rod, a light line and rod set up so you have lots of give when they take those line screaming runs.
10/8/2008 9:18:00 AM
Chris, my only problem is that I only have a pontoon boat, so I am a little more intimate with the water and when you can't move around much and just sit there, even though only my lower legs are in the water it can be tough to stay warm. But I am glad you say it picks up as the temp drops.
10/8/2008 12:47:00 PM
Chris, are there net pens near Bridgeport , if that is where you fish? We had a very slow day 2 weeks ago.We put in at Seatons Grove and fished the pens near Nespelum creek. That is a long ways from B-port. I agree fully on looking forward to colder weather, cause it was the slowest trip I ever made 2 wks ago. I tied some flies like you mentioned, but my partner didnt want to try it.Caught em slow jigging flies, but WAY slower. Lots of weeds too.
outdoor chris
10/8/2008 1:03:00 PM
I fly fish from a float tube also, you may want to look into a pair of really good neoprene waders, they are glory in cold weather and you can pretty much stay out in them all day long
outdoor chris
10/8/2008 1:26:00 PM
There are no net pens near Bridgeport, we fish the pens you were at around the same time! We fish out of a red Alumaweld, maybe you saw us there. One of the guys in my boat has a brother in law that we told how to fish for these rainbows and he and his partner talked to another guy at the lake and decided to fish with jigs and power bait instead, they were there on wed. and Thurs. and caught one fish wed. and four fish Thursday, we were there Fri and sat...and you know how we did with flies.....using the # 12 hook tied like a fish pellet we lost a lot of fish, but when your catching around 700 fish in a few days, who cares if you loose a bunch!! The biggest one we caught had two lines coming out of his mouth from previous fights with fishermen, both of those hooks were embedded in the fishes stomach.

All I can say is you should have tried the flies, you may have liked the results!!! I am not going fishing this weeked because of deer season but will take a pic of my flies and put it on here next week.
10/9/2008 7:59:00 AM
those are some nice fish keep up the wok.
10/9/2008 11:48:00 AM
I love rufus woods it beats the hell out of catching 12 to 15 inchers all day. great report man.
10/9/2008 11:51:00 AM
10/9/2008 11:53:00 AM
I've fished Rufus Woods twice last year, but only near the Bridgeport State Park. How may miles upriver would I have to run my boat to get to the net pens from there?
10/10/2008 9:05:00 AM
man i totally believe u caught that many fish, because when i was out there last winter i got there around 4 or 5 am and the fish would bite before it even hit the bottom, so i would usually have my limit by sun up and then go steelheading at pateros, but anyways thanks for the report im glad the fishings good already i was expecting to wait a couple months but i just might have to talk my fishing buddy into car pooling up there with one of these weekends and testing my luck off the bank.
10/10/2008 8:21:00 PM
good report nice pics
outdoor chris
10/13/2008 12:38:00 PM
the first set of net pens is around 27 miles upstream and the 3rd set, the one we fish during the summer, is around 38 miles up. If your boat is not up to it, get a indian fisheries permit and you can drive around and launch between the last two sets of pens and your right there, you just have to drive up to Grand Coulee dam and then around it and back down to the boat launch.
blufin loui
10/15/2008 3:48:00 PM
Hi ya Chris,
I've just signed up and am able to respond. First I want to thank you and all others who make this forum possible. It is a great place to read "fish tales" and even see the pics.
I've been reading the forum--especially your input--regarding multiple net pens on RW, and wished to ask a few questions.
My wife and I have been fishing RW for a couple years now--with good luck--, and have been up from Chief Joe to the first net pens and have watched, fished for, and brought to boat a considerable amount of trout. As that is as far up river as we have boated, is there more "actual" net pens above this location.
Your--or other input on this will be appreciated, as we are going to make a trip up there next week, and an explore would make a good day on the water even better.
I live in the Chelan area, and only missed "one" week-end last winter. Yes, there were days when the temp didn't get above mid teens, but always a good day on the water.
Also Thanks for sharing the info on "Your" Pellet Fly (any pics available?) . Will have to tie up some for next trip. Another trip to Hooked on Toys. LOL
outdoor chris
10/15/2008 5:17:00 PM
Hooked on Toys,.....my favorite store of all!!! We probably get on the water there around 50 days a year, there are several more net pens above the first. There is also a lot of very very nice fishing waters up there, more structure, boulders, drop offs, flats, be careful though, when around the 3rd set of pens, if the water is low enough in the basin, you could be in the middle of the river and bottom out with your boat. its very good fishing around that bar, lots of room as its a big bar.
10/17/2008 12:51:00 PM
Hey Chris,

My buddies and I are planning on a trip to rufus on the 1st. We have never been in that area before. Any good recomondations for a hotel to stay for the weekend. What luanch do you use to get up to the pens? Is the trek up there ok, or is there some obstacles to watch for. Any info you could give us would be great

10/18/2008 10:06:00 AM
heading out there next weekend. anybody know where or who makes the imitation pellet flies? how can i get some of them?
outdoor chris
10/20/2008 8:00:00 AM
the pellet flies are my own creation so you can't find them at a store I am afraid. You could use a section of a brown rubber bass fishing worm, that was my first prototype that I used to use with good success, but the fly has worked the best. For a description of the fly you can read where I have detailed just how to tie it. Good luck!!
outdoor chris
10/20/2008 8:07:00 AM
we put in at Bridgeport which is a longer run unless you want to put in at the northern launch which is very close to the net pens, you have to drive up and around the dam, Grand Coulee. Not sure as to which motel is better than others as I have my own place here and don't use the motels. There is pretty much nothing in the way as your boating up from Bridgeport as long as you stay in the middle 4/5's of the resevoir, you will find depths of between 50 - 100' and more all the way up.....the only thing in the middle is about 15 miles up, Lone Pine Island, just a little rock with one dead tree on it, but that is well marked. This time of year, you may not want to go all the way up to the net pens as the fishing really turns on this time of year at Rufus, try casting around the shoreline or anywhere you see fish hitting the surface, it can be really hot fishing!!!
10/20/2008 9:26:00 PM
Really looking forward to a peek at one of those flies!!!
10/23/2008 8:23:00 PM
chris, can you recommend a cabin or motel near bridgeport for my wife and i to stay a weekend in november? going to fly fish from my kayak around the dam
outdoor chris
10/24/2008 9:01:00 AM
There is a fairly clean looking motel just on the north side of town in Bridgeport but we have never stayed there, its called the Apple Motel.
There is a very nice clean looking cabin for rent about 25 miles up the lake, if I was to go fishing and had to stay at a place this is the place I would stay at. its on the river just one thing, in the pictures of it they don't show you that you are very close to the farm house on which property it sits on but it still would a cool place to stay and there is very good fishing in that stretch of the river, its only about a mile or so from the lower net pens....here is a link to their site....http://cabinattheriver.com/1.html

Do I get some kind of travel guide fee for this??? :)

Good fishing!!!
outdoor chris
10/24/2008 9:02:00 AM
Have to amend the previous comment, the Apple Motel is in Brewster, not Bridgeport..sorry.
10/29/2008 3:58:00 PM
Chris, in your previos post you say you describe the Fish Pellet Fly. I must be a moron and for the life of me I can not find your previous post. Can you please repost the description and or send me a pic of it. Thanks Chris. I cant wait to get over there this winter to try the casting technique. . You are welcome to post on my blog the pic if you like.
outdoor chris
10/30/2008 8:01:00 AM
ok, it was in the comments section of an earlier post, was hard to find for me!! Anyway, here it is for you .....

deer hair doesn't work as it floats. I am using floating line because I have to use a light tippet, sinking line has too much drag in the water when fighting these big fish. The deeper fish are only about 10 feet down but a sinking fly is what you need. on a size 12 nymph hook, wrap with dark brown thread first, then wrap 3/4 of the shaft of the hook with a light lead wire. Wrap a double wrap of dark brown chenile to the turn of the hook and then a single wrap to within a quarter inch of the point of the hook. then finish by wrapping with tread and tie off at the eye of the hook with a few whip finishes, glue and get ready to hang on!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Austin's Northwest Adventures

Phone: (509) 668-0298