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Martha (AM) Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



Rainbow Trout

So I and my best friend as sort of a last hurrah for Summer decided to go out fishing. We decided that Tuesday morning (26th) was the best bet for the smallest crowds and that we ought to give Martha one more shot since we'd heard so many good things about it.

On previous trips to Martha the best we had ever done is a few planter Rainbows (in the 7-8" range) and a bunch of nuisance Perch, but I had heard that there were some good holdover Rainbows and even rumors of some German Browns in the murky depths.

So we arrived at the lake at about 8:30AM and launched our boat. We started the morning trolling our cranks along the north shorelines and had some luck getting a few Bass to strike, but they were finicky and we were having a hard time getting and good hook sets. After about an hour of shoreline trolling and relative inaction we decided to head out a little deeper.

BAM. At around 10:30AM I got a hit on my rod and I knew it was something significant. After about 5 minutes of fighting I saw it's dorsal fin break the surface and freaked out. It finally tired enough for my friend to get the net around it and we landed the nicest Brown trout I had ever caught--Up til then.

My friend and I were still laughing are butts off while he hooked into a couple of nice Rainbows (10" +/-). And then lightning struck twice. As soon as it hit I said "Not again?" and sure enough... An inch longer then the first.

Suffice to say we had a GREAT time out on Martha, and it's now our local go-to lake for a quick fishing get-away. I can't wait to see what else lurks within.


fishing collector
8/27/2008 11:49:00 PM
I sure am glad you got some pic's of those fish. Last week I got one just like them off the dock and everyone said I was full of it. "There are no browns in Martha lake" they said. I was all by myself at 6.00am and was using a rapala trying to get an early morning bass. No Bass, just that big ol' Brown. Scared the beejesus out of an old man. I threw it back but wanted to show it to someone. Only memories......
8/28/2008 12:06:00 AM
What were you using if you dont mind me asking?
8/28/2008 6:01:00 AM
Great Fish AdamB
8/28/2008 7:17:00 AM
Nice those are some beautiful Browns. Nice stringer you got there. Nice work.

Gringo Pescador
8/28/2008 9:03:00 AM
Nice job! I fish here regularly and only knew of stocker RBs, bass & have heard of, (but never seen) catfish. You said you were fishing cranks for bass - is that what you got the browns on?
8/28/2008 2:32:00 PM
yum yum....browns are tasty... good job nice fsh....
9/2/2008 12:19:00 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the comments.
As for what we were using, both my friend and I were using Spinning rigs with 10lb test and bass-pattern Shad-Raps.
We would've stayed out longer, but the electric motor was whirring down and I had to be at work in a few.

I'm heading out again tomorrow. I can't say I expect anything, but I wasn't expecting anything last time either.
10/26/2008 7:51:00 PM
Yes Gringo there are Catfish in the lake but its been awhile since I've seen any. Not very big maybe 12 - 14 inch versions.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Reel Time Fishing

Phone: (208) 790-2128