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Website: Ross Outdoor Adventures

Phone: (509) 750-7763

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Potholes Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore

A little breezy, coming out of the northwest,water just perfect for crappie. Caught eight crappie on white twister tail with a 1/32 ounce jig head. Trick today was a super slow retrieve. My son caught the first on a purple plastic worm, he was just practicing his cast and this nice one hit! Caught fish from 7 to 9 am, threw back alot of small ones. Changed location and went for bass. Found largemouth on a point with a little current showing. Used plastics, smoked colored 3" grubs on a 1/8 oz jig head. Also used bullet sinkers and a # 4 hook with a night crawler and let the current move it and just hammered them. Caught 6 keepers, biggest 2 lbs. Left water at noon, son had a grid kids football scrimmage,otherwise, probably would have taken the boat. Good day without it anyway..


chad s.
8/14/2008 6:46:00 AM
Any clue about the slot limits on largemouth bass? Apperently not......after looking at the picture
8/14/2008 7:53:00 AM
Nice. See that alot here. Tossing the Crappies back and eating the Bass makes it ok IMO though!
8/14/2008 8:34:00 AM
Chad S. For largemouth, angler allowed five fish, one over 17" can keep fish 12" and under. Smallmouth, angler allowed 10 fish, one over 14" at Potholes. There were three of us fishing, only two over 17". Not sure what you are asking...or assuming. Enlighten me.
8/14/2008 10:07:00 AM
Nice Crappie! Me and my son are heading to Mardons in a couple of weeks. We love the action that side of the mountains!
8/14/2008 11:49:00 AM
All LM 12inch-17 need to be released. If your biggest bass was 2lbs, thats about a 15 incher in my book, so thats an illegal fish. I count probably 2 bass in that pic that are easy over 12 inch but under 17, thats what Chad S is saying.
8/14/2008 1:54:00 PM
where on potholes were you catching the fish?
8/14/2008 2:45:00 PM
I had my tape and my scale, I made sure they met the regs. In the picture, the fish doesn't look two pounds to me, Unless my digital scale and my tape measure are wrong...but I don't think I would post photos if they were not legal. Actually, I would not keep the fish if they were illegal. How big do you think the crappie is? Looks big, but it was only 9 3/4". Depends on the angle of your camera and how you hold the fish. Lots of fishing shows do that a lot. Jordan- fished on the Mardon docks, there are a lot of fish there, right now, great place to start in the morning if you do not take a boat. Dock marshall will check your fish, so make sure to take something you can measure them with. There is a boat launch between mardon and the state park that has a point that has a lot of fish around it right now. Every one on the point seemed to be catching fish Jens -great place to take kids, always seems to be a lot of action. I would suggest taking a lot of nightcrawlers. Keeps the kids in the action. ChrisB-thanks for clearing that up for me, I thought that is what was being assumed, but that is not the case, Good luck.
8/14/2008 3:16:00 PM
was anyone catching any trout off the dock there? it's been years since we've been over there and we used to catch trout all over 20 inches off the dock..my son has been begging for me to take him there...
8/14/2008 4:07:00 PM
Ya i agree with the others, a 2lb fish is not a keep by all means. Needs to be around 3 or under 1.5 lbs maybe. Those should have been released, there are so many other fish in that lake to keep other then the ones that are a great size for spawning. They are these slot limits for a resion not just to piss off ppl. I understand that a lot of the bass we catch are in the slot but they need to be released.
8/14/2008 4:56:00 PM
Didn't see anyone catching trout, but didn't see anyone fishing for them either. I am sure they are around though!!
8/14/2008 5:25:00 PM
You are honestly trying to say that none of those bass are between 12 & 17"?
8/14/2008 6:23:00 PM
looks like you had fun and thts wht matters nice pics
Mike Carey
8/14/2008 8:50:00 PM
Thanks for the post and pics, maybe part of the problem is the kids are holding up those fish. Proportions matter. If you said they were measured and are legal enough said.
8/14/2008 9:44:00 PM
Thanks Mike and mbass, Yeah I am honestly saying it. Why would I have my kids hold up illegal fish? Please don't question my integrity. You don't know me well enough to do that. I have been fishing for 40 some years, I have worked with Washington Parks, and did an internship with the park ranger and game warden at Crow Butte when it was a state park. Again, not that I have to justify anything, but we had a great fishing day!!
8/15/2008 3:06:00 AM
Good fun,..way 2 get the kids involved,..headed there on the 23rd of Aug,..cant wait!

8/15/2008 9:41:00 AM
Me and my son are planning on being there 8/24-8/26- camping in the dunes...might stay at mardons, but for 30 bucks, I feel robbed at that price.
8/15/2008 10:48:00 AM
Yeah, I hear you jens. I know Mike and his gang and they do a great job making a stay there enjoyable. Not as crowded first part of the week, so if you decide to stay there, might have some privacy. Picked a great weekend to go, suppose to be scorching hot Sunday, between 100-105 in the Basin, take a lot of sun screen. Monday should be an awesome day of fishing, with the change in the weather, a little front coming through to cool things down a bit. Good luck bb and jens, maybe see you out there on 8/24!
8/15/2008 12:05:00 PM
I am a brown (filipino) and the only time I have ever ever ever been sunburnt was last time I was there!! me and my son can sit out all day fishing..I want him to get into a carp..he thinks they dont fight..and the stories I have been telling him, he just rolls his eyes and says whatever dad..he thinks they are koi...little does he know about carp!! are you from moses lake area?
8/15/2008 2:15:00 PM
I am Latino and dark, and I never use to burn or peel until my wife and I went to Hawaii. I got so burned I couldn't enjoy the sun for a few days. Sinces then, I burn real easy the first part of summer. I am from the Yakima Valley, Sunnyside, to be exact so it is about a 90 mile trip for me, but I love that water, and the area around it. Been going there since I was six, when I use to go with my dad. Try to get up there more this time of the year, but the bite is hot and heavy for walleye on the Columbia below McNary Dam. Easy on the kids at Potholes, though. My nine year old wants to go back, so we are planning to this weekend. There are some huge carp swimming around. You can see them, some look like they are in the 20 lb category. PM me and I will give you some areas we do well at. Are you taking a boat? OOPs, I guess you must be if you are thinking about camping in the dunes!
8/16/2008 12:40:00 PM
I sent you an email..tt ya soon!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Ross Outdoor Adventures

Phone: (509) 750-7763