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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Fast Action Guide Service

Phone: (425) 753-5772

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


Rainbow Trout

What a day. The sun was out so we decided to launch at Kenmore versus driving down to Coulon (we are practicing for the tourney) because the weather looked better. After a quick shopping trip to GI Joe's we were off. Launched the boat about 1:20pm started motoring out to the lake and just before we get on the lake we see a lighting blast a little father off on the lake wow not a big fan of lightning in my aluminum boat just then my fuel line snaps and the engine dies so we start rowing back to the ramp when the wind picked up and the heavy hail and snow fell mixed with rain ,soaked us to the bone in a matter of minutes. Decided to head to shucks to fix the fuel line to get back out there so about a hour an a half goes by and I am back in the boat and we are on our way out by the time we get out on the lake the wind is blowing hard and it is steadily raining. The waves were to much for the boat with two people in it so once again we had to turn back. Upset about this we decided to head to Angle lake and try for some Trips. The sun was out and the wind wasn't blowing at all (should have headed here first) We got on the water about 5:20 started trolling with needle fish it had been about 5 mins my buddy put his pole down on the seat when he got a huge hit so big it yanked his pole out of the boat and to the bottom of the lake. Lucky for him I always bring a extra pole so we rigged it up trolled for another hour when wham a trip bites his lure and he landed a 131/2 inch trout nice fish it was bleeding pretty good so we kept it. Caught nothing else and finally pulled off the water after 8. It was a hell of a fishing trip considering what we went through to get one but I don't like getting skunked and I love fishing. Plus this day will be told many times to our friends and family.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Fast Action Guide Service

Phone: (425) 753-5772