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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA


Rainbow Trout

Wow! I've never fished Beaver before...very cool lake. I bet you bass guys have a ball out there! I noticed lots of structures and drop offs and the lake is actually 50ft deep in the eastern nook! Unbelievable.....well aside from noticing all the cool spots that bass would hang out I killed'em out there. I know it was just stocked but I've had worse times on a recently stocked lake. I had home duty due to my wife going on a field trip with my oldest (I have 4 boys). So I asked the 5 and 3yr olds if they wanted to go fishing. I told my 5yr old that he could skip school...but he chose school! So me and the 3yr old headed out. I got to the lake about 1:30 and my intention was to troll but I marked a school of fish to the right of the launch and decided I would get my youngster something right away......well 45 minutes later and no bites decided to troll. Not 40 yards from where I was holed up and got my first fish of the year! Skunk out of the boat and off my pole!
I was trolling a trout colored needle fish and a trout colored hot shot. First fish was the biggest and was caught on the the hot shot. The rest of the fish early in the afternoon preferred the needle fish. We caught about 12 fish but kept 6.
Great day on the water, we left right before it started to snow!....Beaver lake is coool...I'll be back!


3/27/2008 10:12:00 PM
Finally a report from Rob G! Dude, great report and I'm so glad you got your youngin out on the water! That's what it's all about. Thanks for the report and keep doing good work! This is great to hear! Bless you!
Rob G.
3/27/2008 10:52:00 PM
Thanks bro...I'll be hittin this lake again fa sho! I'll probably bounce back and forth between this one Shady, and Wilderness for most of the spring. When Summer hits, I"ll try my luck at Sawyer......I have some unfinnished business there! A buddy and I were there last year and I had about a 20inch bow follow my lure and laugh at me!
3/27/2008 11:18:00 PM
how are the bank anglers doing here? I dont have a boat yet :( lol
3/28/2008 12:11:00 AM
if you ever want to fish lake washington for some killer cutthroat action this april, send me a PM and i'll get you out on the water...quadradomous had a great time when i took him out, and i'd love to get you out there if you like some quality fish...

...by the sounds of it the bank anglers were doing poor...it was the trollers...Rob G can elaborate, as can FishingMachine (he nailed em out there a week ago when it was like 52F air temp....now we're talking snow...
3/28/2008 11:56:00 AM
i cant believe your son chose school over fishing... what have you been teaching him?!?!? j/k sounds like a good day on the water.
3/28/2008 1:43:00 PM
way to get the kid out there!!!! biggest part of being a DAD, is introduction to the great outdoors!!!! and, you caught a bunch, SWEEEETTT!!!!
Rob G.
3/28/2008 2:42:00 PM
Thanks fellas.....yeah that kid who choose school better go to Stanford or MIT one day or I'll never let him live it down. Oh, well he's only 5 and he's more responsible than me LOL! I think I'm gonna hit it up again on Monday same time!
3/28/2008 3:11:00 PM
Good work man!
3/28/2008 9:24:00 PM
very ggod to hear the fishing is still hot
3/28/2008 10:12:00 PM
Sounds like a good trip. You gonna try this weekend? FREEZING!!!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Fast Action Guide Service

Phone: (425) 753-5772