1/1/2008 9:25:00 PM
1/2/2008 12:53:00 PMWas the sand gone, or did you not know to look? If it is gone, I have connections to get more sand placed there. Send me a PM if you would to let me know.

1/2/2008 1:07:00 PMThe barrel was totally empty - just the Folgers can remained. We used some of our bag of sand on the ramp and it really helped several boaters, then left the remainder of the bag in the barrel for the next time it was needed. I think I'll take a bag each time I go, just in case. If the barrel is empty again, I'll be covered. If not, it's cheap insurance. Bob

1/3/2008 8:53:00 AM
Bob R
1/6/2008 8:20:00 AM
Bob R
1/6/2008 8:30:00 AM
Bob R
1/6/2008 8:37:00 AM
1/6/2008 9:58:00 AM