Merwin Update

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Don Wittenberger
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Merwin Update

Post by Don Wittenberger » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:51 pm

I talked with Mike Nielsen today. He reports the tiger muskie action is slow. The water level is high, and the water is still turbid with visibility of only about 5 or 6 feet, which makes it difficult to see structure or spot follows. Participants in the Chapter 57 tourney later this month should expect tough fishing conditions.

The day use area and parking lot are full every day, even on weekdays, and there's a lot of speedboaters and jet skiers on the lake. The good news is marine patrols have increased.

Tournament participants: Don't forget to bring cash for the $3 parking fee at the boat launch area.

I'm not planning to participate in the tournament, but Tony Welch and I intend to fish Merwin from Aug. 18 to 23. I'm nursing a back injury, so I'm not 100% sure I'll be there. I hope so.

In any event, I'm taking this opportunity to ask tournament participants to not follow us around the lake with the idea of finding our spots. If I see someone doing that, I'm not above leading him to empty water and showing him where not to fish. Besides, we won't necessarily be doing any better than everyone else. If you run into us on the lake, we'll be happy to socialize, but please don't ask for fishing advice, because that's not fair to the other tournament participants. Just fish your best and have fun. Having fun is what it's all about.
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by muskyhunter » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:49 pm

Holy cow Dono...maybe you oughta join a PMT Tourney back in the midwest. Look abit full of yourself. Remember you are regarded as a stewart of the Tiger fishery. And besides these events are supposed to be fun for the members. We are not playing the game for millions of dollars.
Don't sore jaw too many of the Tigers for the folks fishing the event.
You get too grumpy out there and I might just pull the plug on your vessel...or if you get too close to me I might whap you with a 16 oz Bulldawg.
Oh yeah are you going to fish any of our Events this year or what?
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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Kenster » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:27 pm

muskyhunter wrote: Oh yeah are you going to fish any of our Events this year or what?
He's gonna have to hit this one. Its the last CLUB tourney isn't it?


BTW Don thanks for those tips you sent me over in that PM!!

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by mtsiview » Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:18 am

In any event, I'm taking this opportunity to ask tournament participants to not follow us around the lake with the idea of finding our spots. If I see someone doing that, I'm not above leading him to empty water and showing him where not to fish. Besides, we won't necessarily be doing any better than everyone else. If you run into us on the lake, we'll be happy to socialize, but please don't ask for fishing advice, because that's not fair to the other tournament participants. Just fish your best and have fun. Having fun is what it's all about.[/quote]

WOW DON!! After attending a couple of the NW TIGERPAC meetings last summer, I decided to join the group. I joined the club because the members that I met were not like members of most organizations, stuck on themselves. I have been a member of many such organizations, where a few people think they are God's gift to the sport, and quite frankly, I have never found it very appealing. We all appreciate the great things you do for the club, and for the sport of fishing, but let's stay grounded here, so that all of the members feel like they are part of an organization that exists to enhance the fishing experience for its current members and for generations of members to come.

It has not been my experience that any of the members have ever tried to weasel in on the area that I was currently fishing during a tournament. Quite the contrary, most of them actually take time from their fishing to take photos of my wife and I, or just to swing by to see how we are doing. Many of the members perform duties including organizing the tournaments and monitoring them to avoid any problems, making the tournament run as efficiently as possible and guaranteeing that everyone involved is having a great time.

I really hope that we have read something into your post that was not intended. I would hate to think that we are becoming one of "those clubs". If you have experienced someone asking you for advice on fishing your favorite waters, I choose to believe that it was in an effort for them to become a more accomplished muskie hunter, not to win a tournament. If, in fact they were fishing for info to help them become victorious, I can only believe that they won't experience the true joys of being part of an organization such as ours, the commradery and lifetime friendships that evolve.

Good luck to all at the upcoming tourneys,

I worry about belonging to a club that accepts people like me as members!

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Don Wittenberger » Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:09 am

I'm sure you gentlemen understand my comment was not intended for either of you, or anyone you know. It was hypothetical advice to hypothetical anglers. Very likely it's gratuitous and unnecessary, as we live in a perfect world populated by perfect people with perfect etiquette. Therefore, your glowering stare probably is justified.

As you've correctly pointed out, I'm merely a grumpy old man. Humor me. It's one of the few perks of old age, so I cherish it. I do not mean to make anyone feel unwelcome. Lord knows that's the last thing I want to do. I'm only trying to be helpful. It has always seemed to me the trouble with unwritten rules is they're not written where people can look them up. We expect everyone to know them by osmosis. This isn't just true of fishing, it's true of all life. There are all sorts of things I wish people had told me as I felt my way through this life like a blind man groping for the crosswalk. The old German homily, "Too schoon oldt, too late schmardt," is the story of my life.

Full of myself? Ahhh, go ahead and think that, if it makes you happy. I tell people that humility must be a good thing, because anything that expensive has to be good. It takes a great deal of time, effort, and expense to knock humility into someone, and I'm still not sure why so many people thought I was worth the investment ... but they did. And I'm glad of it. As with inoculating dogs, an occasional booster shot may be helpful and does no harm, so go ahead and knock me. You'll be doing me a favor.

As for fishing in tournaments, another perk of old age is sleeping in, and nowadays it's hard to motivate me to get up at 6 a.m. for any reason whatsoever. Oh, I used to get up early; I raised a competitive figure skater, and for 10 years her training regimen required me to get up at 4:30 a.m. daily. I don't have to do that anymore, so I don't. Also, our tournaments are held on weekends, and I babysit my wife's dog on Saturdays and Sundays. She took a part-time job to earn money for the dog's expenses. Our Great Dane eats a large quantity of expensive dog food. And if she isn't supervised, she also eats our furniture, shoes, clothing, door frames, moldings, and anything else she can sink her teeth into. Despite the aggravation and inconvenience she inflicts on us, she's worth it. Dogs like her make you re-learn what love is for.

Also, I just plain don't like fishing in tournaments. I don't like the restraints of tournament rules and procedures. That's fine for practicing a trade or profession, but fishing is supposed to be relaxing. Having to dot i's and cross t's takes some of the fun out of it for me. Again, these things have their place -- for example, I've worked on amateur pit crews, sprint and stock -- but to keep from going crazy you've gotta do at least one thing that lets you be a free spirit, and for me that's fishing.

Getting back to next week's tournament, Merwin Lake is like our unruly dog. All too often, she treats me like ****. But I love her anyway. Every once in a while, she relents and gives up a really nice fish. No, my friends, ego has nothing to do with it. I can't explain the inside of my head, but someday you'll get there yourself, and then you'll understand.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Rosann G » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:19 pm

Gee Don, I understood your post just fine and didn't take offense. Maybe it's just because I'm closer in age to you than the others. I know you have shared your expertise alot at the meetings and you just didn't want to give anyone an unfair advantage at the tournament by letting them tag around with you since you know Merwin so well. It sounds like a hard lake to fish. Hope you and Tony have a good week of fishing. Good luck.
Hope your back is feeling better to.
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RE:Merwin Update

Post by mtsiview » Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:42 pm

[quote="Don Wittenberger"]I'm sure you gentlemen understand my comment was not intended for either of you, or anyone you know. It was hypothetical advice to hypothetical anglers. Very likely it's gratuitous and unnecessary, as we live in a perfect world populated by perfect people with perfect etiquette. Therefore, your glowering stare probably is justified.

As you've correctly pointed out, I'm merely a grumpy old man. Humor me. It's one of the few perks of old age, so I cherish it. I do not mean to make anyone feel unwelcome. Lord knows that's the last thing I want to do. I'm only trying to be helpful. It has always seemed to me the trouble with unwritten rules is they're not written where people can look them up. We expect everyone to know them by osmosis. This isn't just true of fishing, it's true of all life. There are all sorts of things I wish people had told me as I felt my way through this life like a blind man groping for the crosswalk. The old German homily, "Too schoon oldt, too late schmardt," is the story of my life.

Full of myself? Ahhh, go ahead and think that, if it makes you happy. I tell people that humility must be a good thing, because anything that expensive has to be good. It takes a great deal of time, effort, and expense to knock humility into someone, and I'm still not sure why so many people thought I was worth the investment ... but they did. And I'm glad of it. As with inoculating dogs, an occasional booster shot may be helpful and does no harm, so go ahead and kick me. You'll be doing me a favor.

As for fishing in tournaments, another perk of old age is sleeping in, and nowadays it's hard to motivate me to get up at 6 a.m. for any reason whatsoever. Oh, I used to get up early]

Again Don, I want to emphasize how much I, and all the other fishermen that have been stricken with this sickness we call muskie fishing, appreciate your contributions through attending meetings and writing the many posts that keep us all informed of what is happening with our fisheries. We all value your vast knowlege of the many topics that get discussed on our forums. I apologize if I read something into your message that was not intended. I too know how you feel about getting up early after many years of fishing and hunting trips that required me to drive throughout the wee hours of the night to get to my destination in time to hit prime time. I truly believe that our local chapter members are some of the finest, most conciencious sportmen that I have encountered in my many years of club memberships. This being said, please rest assured that if one of us is lucky enough to find, hook and land one of your old toothy buddies on Lake Merwin, we will do everything we can to make sure he lives another day so that you and the rest of your gang might experience the thrill of catching them many more times.
I worry about belonging to a club that accepts people like me as members!

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Don Wittenberger » Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:56 pm

I'll settle for whiskey and cigars; catching fish is a bonus. Merwin is a fickle mistress. I keep coming back because she keeps seducing me with 28-pounders.

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Deadeyemark » Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:47 pm

I was really hoping to see you at this event.
Fun is the biggest thing I try to include in these events with caught fish being a bonus. The only competition allowed is between angler and fish.
That being said my only question would be: Why are you fishing it the week prior to the event? The Merwin tourney has been scheduled for 6 months or more. We all know that there will be a limited number of muskies that will hit lures during any give time period and we also know that a CPR'd fish will be very reluctant to hit another artificial lure for quite a while.
It appears to me that you could have taken your musky fishing vacation the next week which would have allowed for many more undisturbed muskies available to the Chapter members. This would have even allowed you to fish this event. Having an accomplished musky angler or two hitting a given lake for an entire week prior to an event like this can and will have a drastic effect. This is one of the main reasons for the 'off limits period'.
Since this situation has come twice before this year and once last season, I felt I had to address it. I had hoped that your loyalty to the Chapter and it's members would have had more influence on your attendance at this event, the Merwin Res Chapter 57 Tiger Musky Tournament.
In previous conversations with you, it was mentioned about your friend(s) also joining our Chapter thus allowing them to participate in these events.
The dotting of i's and crossing of t's in these events is so minimal that even you might not have noticed them. I strive to create an atmosphere of 'fun, camaraderie and the sharing of information'. If you would have ever attended one of these events I would not be explaining this nor would you have written your opening statement.
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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Don Wittenberger » Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:46 pm

Mark, I have no control over whether my friends join the chapter. I've encouraged them to do so, but it's up to them. To fish with them, I have to accommodate their schedules. My own schedule creates additional difficulties; for example, the Curlew and Tapps tournaments fell on weekends that I had to attend a bar association meeting and a lawyers conference. Tony, Mike, and I fish together when we can, and I don't feel the fact I'm a chapter member obligates me to stay off Merwin that week because of the chapter tournament. We've planned this trip for months, and it nearly fell through. Absent the tournament, I would come home on Friday, and I'm putting an extra burden on my wife to stay through Saturday. This is my first real fishing trip of 2008 and I'm not willing to give it up, or leave Tony and Mike in the lurch, because you object to my fishing the lake before the tournament. If something beyond my control scuttles it, which could still happen, that's the way the ball bounces. I don't think you have to worry about us fishing the lake out; more likely you'll have an opportunity to poke fun at us because we got skunked. :)
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Deadeyemark » Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:24 pm

I hate these internet discussions to say the least but just to clear the air - If you've had this trip planned for months to fish Merwin with your buddies, why then did you lead me on the last couple months via email exchanges concerning fishing this tournament with our Chapter? You and I even had email discussions concerning me asking you to speak at the contestants meeting the morning of the event and as far as I knew, this was all a 'go' untill just recently!!!
I hope you have a good vacation at Merwin Don and I also hope you can attend our Chapter Pot Luck on Sat evening.
Share The Thrill,
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RE:Merwin Update

Post by muskyhunter28 » Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:02 pm

I was on Merwin all day today!
Broke a PROP!
Got a safety check from the Clark Co Sheriff! Passed!

Got a Few BASS No SKI!

This lake sucks!
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RE:Merwin Update

Post by Don Wittenberger » Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:20 pm

Mark, there's a misunderstanding. I'll e-mail you about this.

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RE:Merwin Update

Post by MuskieMan » Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:06 pm


Not sure what to think about all this, I'd better keep my mounth shut.

Thanks Mark

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