Boat Ride on American

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Jim Ramey
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Boat Ride on American

Post by Jim Ramey » Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:27 pm

Bought a blue and white 1966 16 foot Fibreform with a Johnson 85 horse outboard last June. Idea is to up grade from our 11 ft Pleasurecraft jon boat that takes on water from wakes. Even though we spent an awful lot of time turning into them, good one will splash even over the bow. Sort of a if 'can't beat um join um' solution to fishing wet on lakes that allow high power motor sports. Wanted higher sideboards.

Here it is six months later finally made it to a boat launch. American Lake is closest open year around. Bought a back up camera that hasn't quite got hooked up yet. Thought that since this boat is wider as well as longer should manage to get it backed down the launch without further delay. Besides got some walkie talkies that are supposed to be big stress saving devises for backing RVs with the help of the little woman. Instead of wild screaming as in ; WHAT OUT FOR THAT TREE! A calm level enuncation into the hand held. Batteries were dead on them today.

Buddy came down from Seattle. He just bought a twelve foot boat that folds up? Telling him today is the day. Thought he was going to bring his new boat and also float a trial run. Jeanie had ankle surgery and recovering nicely. Wheel chaired her to a ladder and loaded her and our gear into the boat.Unplugged the trailer lights. Unhooked the straps and chain, wound down the winch enough to unhook the rope. Handed my buddy a bow line.

Level wide turning area above the launch. Chainlink fence could have been back a bit more to get a good swing around straight before backing. Left my ten foot white pvc pipe in the jon boat. Had been tieing it to that trailer to see what direction it's going in. This wider trailer is wider but still only time it comes into the mirrors is when it has already started turning one way or the other. Practical advice is to grip the bottom of the steering wheel and turn whichever direction it's desirable to have the trailer turn. Coarse easing down the concrete launch I don't want to turn at all.

Several trys later. Grateful that no rainsoaked hordes of boaters are lining up waiting. Remembering an opening day at Silver Lake where a whole group of jovial spectators gathered at the first camp site by the launch to enjoy watching first try launchings. Had a minivan towing then easy as pie just open the hatch go anywhere backwards. The trailer wheels start to get wet. Clunk. Boat falls off the trailer. Unlike the carpeted boards of the jon boat trailer this one has rollers that I learn also tilt. Jump out run back. Grateful Jeanie isn't hurt although she has landed on my favorite fishing rod and broke it in half. All the gear is shifted. Roll out the winch rope. Pull the boat all back up on the trailer. Torn up the bottom corner were the stern attaches to the keel. Appears to be superficial damage. Ever drys out buy a fiberglass patch kit smooth it back out. Bent one of the bilge plugs tighters. Still in tight. Note to self: self never unhook the winch until ready to shove off.

Back it up, wade out unhook the winch rope. Shove off, wind picks up, boat knocks protruding above the fender tailight covers off into the drink. Put on my chest waders get my shovel wade out rescue the lenses. Only finding one. Shadow of the trailer in the way. Drive up and park. Come back where I stuck the shovel in the gravel find the other one.
Jump in the boat. Waders somehow developed a serious leak by my right heel. Sloshing up to my knee, wicking up to my crotch. So much for staying dry. Jeanie's all wet from the fall and rolling down into the rainwater.

Trottle handle broke off while test firing the engine at home couple days eariler. enough of the ragged end left to clamp a vice grip on. Floating got the engine to start but doesn't seem to want to revive up above idle finally shove whats left of the lever enough to get moving. Get out a bit from shore. Change out back to barn type rubber boots. Restart this time trottles up a bit too high to troll. Break off the rest of the handle. Gear shift it into neutral the engine is winding out. In gear we are moving a pretty good clip even into the wind. Back to the launch. Killed it too far down wind. Had to hop out and drag it along the shoreline. Knee boots leak over the tops. Hip boots are still dry in the the RV.

Empty trailer backed down the ramp first try. Like it had been trained. My buddy had decided to try some shore fishing saying we could put in and pick him up in a bit. He helped us get out and helped us get in. Handy having a good friend.

Older guy had arrived and launched his rowboat during the interium. Admired how quickly he was getting around manually. Just as we were about ready to drive up the ramp he put in. Jeanie asked if he had already gotten his limit. Nah he was just getting out some frustrations. Hearing our tale of woe he said that if we had the rest the day he could tell about all the times things went wrong in his boating experiences but mostly they had been learning experiences so when something goes wrong (and it will) hopefully it teaches you to do better next time.

Best Wishes,
Jim Ramey

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RE:Boat Ride on American

Post by The Quadfather » Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:46 am

WOW!! Reminds me of my first, or maybe it was my fifth launch of my previous and larger Bayliner.... I was launching and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then this guy sitting on a bench drinking out of a paper bag yells, "SON! You got your G.D. boat attached to the trailer and it's floatin'!" Sometimes it's just best to get these experiences out during the winter at far away launches!
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RE:Boat Ride on American

Post by 2000subaru » Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:16 am

Here's to a second chance!! May everything go just a bit smoother. I spent a good amount of time with my new boat floating in the water, still attached to the bow hook, motor not starting, running the starting battery dead, in what felt like a Washington monsoon, and getting stuck behind an electronic/debit card controlled launch while watching the bollard slowly raise and trap my Subaru in. So, may your next trip be fun.

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