Stories And Pics Anyone?

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Stories And Pics Anyone?

Post by Drewp » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:12 pm

I was just wondering if any of you hunters out there have any cool stories and maybe some pictures to go along with them from any hunting adventures you've been on this year. Even if they were unsuccessful, I love seeing pictures of, "the middle of nowhere." :bounce:
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RE:Stories And Pics Anyone?

Post by the1fishingpro » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:39 pm

One time(a couple years ago)me, my dad, my bro, and Uncle and cousin all went spotting for Deer in Oregon. It was on a Tree plantation called POTLATCH INC. They have a bunch of deer eating off the little trees so they chose a select few to hunt the Huge area of land. Luckily my Dad was chosen for archery, so we desided to go and check it out. When we got there... There were rows among rows of Paper trees (Known as Poplar). We ended up seeing 3 does and 5 bucks all in a group. 1 Buck ranging in the 27" spread. But... On one road way there was a huge mudpuddle blocking the road. So my uncle decided to Stomp on the gas and go 60mph through it. It must have been 3 feet deep because waves of dirt and bark chip flew all over the van. After that, we decided to head on home since it was getting dark. On the way back... only 10mins after we left Potlatch. We stopped at a gas station to get some food. When we were searching for some snacks, the women from behind the counter, Screams "Hey Your Vans On Fire!" We turn to look, and there are 2 foot flames shooting from out of the engine. We ask if they have a hose or something and they tell us to grab some bags of ice from there freezer. Finally after we get the fire out and take control of everything. We find out that they had a hose outside right next to the van. Which would piss any1 off because we had to pour ice on the engine instead. Found out that the bark chips landed right on the engine and created the huge fire.

Well the van was toast, and we were in the middle of know where at a gas station at 9PM. Ended up getting ahold of a few friends that lived 70miles away and they were going to bring us a spare truck for the ride home. For 3 hours, we sat and waited in the gas station for our friends to show up. At around 2PM, they finally arived and we told them the whole story.

Finaly started on our way back and actually climbed into bed around 6AM.

Not a bad story for such a simple day out.
Sorry had no camera, so we got no pictures.
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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