PO River Pike R.I.P

NO, it's not a muskie, but it's close...
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YJ Guide Service
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PO River Pike R.I.P

Post by YJ Guide Service » Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:06 pm

I have to say the river is basically dead. I have fished it a few times lately and have only seen a couple fish. They pretty much eradicated, yes I said eraticate the Pike which I hate saying that word. They said they werent going to do that either. Our fishable numbers that they said we would have must be less than a 100 fish in the whole river. I dont know of anyone that has gotten more than a fish here or there, most dont see any. They deffenitley put a big hurting on them. I for one will no longer waste my time or gas taking anyone up there anymore. The river is dead and PO County will suffer cause of this stupidity over a trout that will never repopulate in that river, unless were going to remove the dams. I think there was another way of containing them in Box Canyon that was never considered. I would like to see the studies done in 5 years to see if the Bull Trout numbers have risen. My guess is nope. I guess all we can do is pray for high water and the next influx of fish from Noxan MT....R.I.P Pike. Power to the Pike in Idaho. Spend your money and fish Idaho a state that understands a body of water can sustain more than one species in it thats not just a trout...

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Mark K
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Re: PO River Pike R.I.P

Post by Mark K » Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:36 pm

YJ Guide Service wrote:I would like to see the studies done in 5 years to see if the Bull Trout numbers have risen. My guess is nope.
The "studies" will say what the Kalispels need them to say in order to keep the BPA funding coming in. Just like "Gill Nets only catch Pike".

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Re: PO River Pike R.I.P

Post by MarkFromSea » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:41 pm

Mark K wrote:
YJ Guide Service wrote:I would like to see the studies done in 5 years to see if the Bull Trout numbers have risen. My guess is nope.
The "studies" will say what the Kalispels need them to say in order to keep the BPA funding coming in. Just like "Gill Nets only catch Pike".
Report via letter and email to BPA and WDFW: "Pull the funding from the Kalispels, mission accomplished, pike eradicated." May as well pass the info to local newspapers also, wouldn't want any one wasting their money in PO County. ](*,)
"Fish Hard and Fish Often!"

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Re: PO River Pike R.I.P

Post by Natebg1 » Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:36 pm

Well, before everyone goes cold on fishing the PO River let me remind you that all it takes is a few good times of spawning with the remaining Northern Pike and the WDFW and Kalispell will be right back to square one! On another note, don't forget that a little further down river past the Box Canyon the River runs into Canada. If you get a Canadian Fishing license which is very reasonable, you will have nothing to worry about with regards to Pike Fishing the portion of the river below Boundary Dam since it is connected to the Canadian Boundary.

Canadians LOVE NORTHERN PIKE and they would be willing to pull out the old shotgun or 45 to ensure they stay safe! So, if the WDFW and Kalispell think spending money in the good ole U.S. of A. in PO County for fishing Pike is a bad idea then I suggest getting a Passport and a Canadian Fishing License and heading north. I personally am actually thinking of making this trip over the summer to go check it out, since I have been hearing really good reports of Monster Pike being in these waters. Did I mention that Canada is also incredible just from the standpoint of how they protect there lakes and the fish within them? Guess I will just have to head north and find out for sure just how large the Pike are. Hopefully it will compare to Saskatchewan otherwise it is going to be a long day. Anyone up for a trip? Let me know because my summer may get a little hectic especially being that the waters are starting to warm up all around us. I am just excited that I can still fish a portion of the river that can't be harmed, that is a BONUS!

Nate The Pike Baron

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