Please watch this with a open non political mind...

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RE:Please watch this with a open non political mind...

Post by Anglinarcher » Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:44 pm

jens wrote:
Anglinarcher wrote:
I am disturbed by the responses given by fellow WL members above, not because I don't believe in your free speech or your right to believe what you wish, but because it appears that you have insufficient desire to search out the truth for yourselves.

Shame on all of you.

Shame on you. Really. Clearly this subject hit a nerve with you, but to call us out like that? :scratch:
If there is shame on me, then it is for not responding more forcefully.

If I tell you that the world will die if you don't kill yourself, will you? What does it take to find out if I, or anyone else for that matter, is telling lies?

Almost half the world thinks that Christians are all evil, just because they are taught that by people with agendas from birth. Does that make almost half the world right? Just because you are being told something by people with agendas now, does it make it so?

Think man, use that brain for something other then a hat rack. Learn to think critically, learn to question everything, and above everything else, learn to discern truth.

Here, to help you get started, try checking into these sites. Chew on them for some time. ... ubmit.y=14
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:Please watch this with a open non political mind...

Post by Anglinarcher » Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:47 pm

Drewp wrote:I didn't watch the link.

Anglinarcher, how you gonna put folks on blast for "searching out the truth" and then cite Hannity, Beck, and Rush? And not to mention every thought you post on this board follows your conservative party lines to 'T'. That's some serious pot and kettle ish. SMH
I have no party lines, I am unaffiliated, and feel all current parties are falling short.

I am conservative, not because it is a political position, but because truth is often refereed to as conservative. If it just so happens that Beck, Hannity, and Rush happen to be more right then the alphabet networks, so be it.

So, what intellectual thing have you done or read lately? Were you honest in your comments?
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RE:Please watch this with a open non political mind...

Post by HillbillyGeek » Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:11 pm

Interesting topic.

Who's right?

I don't know... :-k
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RE:Please watch this with a open non political mind...

Post by Drewp » Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:25 pm

I'm with you Anglinarcher on all parties falling short, but I wouldn't expect any less.

Personally, I think that the global warming/green energy movement is the future. You can either get on the train, or sit on the sidelines. Being able to make this switch to utilizing green energy is going to be a key to our growth, even if that costs us in the short run. I don't care if global warming is real, cyclical, purely man-caused, aided by man, or created by moon farts, the reality is that oil is on the verge of being played out. Period. You can call foul all you want on democrats for their "agenda" or whatever, but you're kidding yourself if you think oil is the future. All this stuff about agenda and not wasting money on this global warming reminds me of Bush's stem cell research restrictions. Why would you want put America behind the ball on account of party line beef? I don't get it.

Not to mention the sooner we can get off of oil's nuts, the sooner we can take money out of the pockets of some countries in the Middle East that harbor and fund militant operations.

As far as what I have read or done lately? I just read One Man's Wilderness again for about the 20th time. Friday night I hit the bars with some friends where we owned some good folks in pool till the wee hours, Saturday I spent the day with my GF, and Sunday I helped a friend build a fence before going to my folks' house for dinner. Yes, I was honest in my comments.

Are you Little River?
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