Can we all just get along please?

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Dex » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:32 pm

Gone Fishin wrote:Well I think that the bickering that was originally referred to can be seen in the post about the muskie in the cabelas tank.
I understand that especially in an online forum people are going to disagree about things and argue some. That is good most of the time. You get to see more than one side of the situation. The arguement in that post was not necessary, relevant or even about that topic. It was more of one group not wanting another group to get credit for something that they were a major factor in.

I am not a member of either musky club but I have been around and know lots of the members of both clubs. I have enjoyed fishing with every one and look forward to fishing with both clubs in the future. The problem I have here is that 2 clubs with the exact same interests and passions, working against each other when they could get more done by working together. (I know working together is a lot to ask from 2 clubs like such, but at least stop trying to undermine each other) I'm not going to point a finger at either side and say that this club is causing the problem, but from what I have seen, one side is a little more bitter than the other. Like I stated before, I have friends on both sides, I fish with people on both sides and I would like to continue in these ways. When an outsider (non or beginning musky fisherman) reads posts like that it doesn't give them the best opinion of musky clubs. It makes them seem unfriendly and more of a head ache than anything.

I know it has been pointed out time and time again but sometimes the point gets missed. Both groups want the same things for this fishery. Is there a need to get jealous and start arguements when 1 group does something good? Instead of trying to take that away or gettting mad about it the other group should congratulate them for doing something that benefits both groups! And then come up with a project of your own to take credit for. This is not just the case of the cabelas tanks but it has happened on other issues as well.

I know Ch 57 sponsors this forum, that is great! But there is no reason that CMA members can't post on here. I know they are still allowed to but it seems as though some great muskie fisherman have been run out of here and given up on this site. That is less input on important topics and fewer people to lend tips to beginnners and get people pointed in the right direction. I think it is great that we have 2 muskie clubs in Washington now. That is twice the presence and twice the tourneys, which is a good thing. Its a good thing as long as the 2 sides see it that way.

I dont want it to get to the point where people feel like they have to pick a side on this. It would be like democrats and republicans.... we all know what a mess that can be! Lets not let muskie fishing in washington get to be that way. Go out and catch a muskie, it will brighten your day I promise! Then you can post the pic in the forum topic "This seasons photos"...... I know other people have photos they can post

Great post Gone Fishing. =d>

I agree with you 100%,

I know I have post some questionable post in the past and others that were taken completely out of context. I have since learned to watch what I type and continue to work together with all involved. I challenge everyone who reads these posts to focus on what’s important and work for a better tomorrow. :fish:

Chapter 57, Muskies Inc.
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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by bad esox » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:24 pm

Those who have not found a spiritual harbor in which to anchor their thoughts find themselves adrift at every squall.

God grant me the Serenity TO ACCEPT the things I cannot change, Courage TO CHANGE the things I can, and Wisdom TO KNOW the difference.

Silence is the voice of the convinced; loudness is the voice of those who want to convince themselves.

Silence is the gate to understanding.

Valor is measured by the height of the cause not the heat of the battle. It is in the choice of purpose that valor differs from recklessness.

I will leave you all with one last thought for today and I will once again remain silent for some time.

We see nothing in others than our own weaknesses.

I bid you all a good day.
>----):< A good gamefish is too valuable, to be caught only once.
NW TIGER PAC, Chapter 57 of Muskies, Inc.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Mike Carey » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:59 pm

wise words for the ages. thank you.

"Takers get the honey, Givers sing the blues".

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by swedefish4life1 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:34 pm

But = the War machine ](*,) who had 2 teeth pulled from the jaws of death then traveled 135 miles to sit in and meet a fine bunch of Musky Chuckers at the Cabelas Club meeting :viking: :thumright

Good efforts being done/some good information and passions and 3= 3x hero shirts o:) 8-[ =d>

The few Muskies in the tank need some Swede Roids :colors: #-o :cyclopsan truth be told:-$ :cheers:

Fish on!
Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by seament head » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:06 pm

This thread wasnt about stocking muskies. It was about a few bad apples having attitude problems. Lets keep this on track.[/quote]:-#


Oh lets not, I personally liked they way it has taken a different look more to the real world of fishing.

The pretend world of "bickering" does not hold my interest at all!

I agree with you Mike, very encouraging words there Bad essox, no wonder that you are the VP of internal affairs for Muskies Inc

and to part with this: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Have a blessed day everyone.:cheers:

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Gone Fishin » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:36 pm

whoa AnglinArcher...... I know you have experience when it comes to fishing and much knowledge of many fisheries but.....
I usually don't correct people when they make minor false statements but at least one of yours is out of line....
On the other hand, a controlled stalk of Tigers, in Cerlew, in Hauser in Idaho, in Silver in Spokane County, and to a lesser extent in Newman, have demonstrated that they can indeed work. But note that we do not get trout reports about Silver in Spokane anymore - they have devastated the trout.
Most of the "trout" fisheries you listed have done better since the planting of tiger muskies.... that I agree with

The comment about the muskies devastating the trout in Silver Lake is absolutely false! Just because a once great trout fishery is no longer talked about does not mean it is because of a species that was introduced AFTER the decline of the trout in that lake. Silver was a failing fishery before the planting of the muskies. It was once a great brown trout fishery but is no longer... you may look at other species in the lake and other conditions that existed when the trout saw their decline, before you make the false claim that the muskies devastated the trout! It is misinformation like this that gives tiger muskies a bad reputaion and keep other anglers opinions of them negative. If somebody is going to form an opinion about tiger muskies whether it be possitive or negative, I would like it to be based on real information.

And the whole northern pike topic you brought up has absolutely no relevance to the tiger muskie arguement. Nobody is discussing stocking pike in any lakes. Under a poor management plan they can indeed ruin a lake, but that is a different discussion all together. Tiger muskie as we all know are sterile and are managed under an entirely different system.

I don't doubt your experience on the water or your passion for fishing but I think that some of your arguements are not based on the experience or knowledge that pertains to the topic. When opinions are expressed I never tell somebody they are wrong. Differing opinions are what make these forums interesting and resourceful. Just don't try to pass off opinions as fact or apply irrelevant information to prove your point because I will point it out. I hope you don't take all of this the wrong way, it is not a personal attack and I hold nothing against you, I just thought that a few things needed some tweaking.
Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by ProAngler'sDaughter » Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:13 am

Hey to all you fisher-people--especially those tenacious Muskie Hunters!

Part of me is saying stay away from this entire forum while another part of me is being pulled to join in the dialogue. I think all involved can acknowledge that there has been some less than professional behavior that taken place--within and between the two Muskie clubs of WA State. There have been bruised egos, inappropriate actions and even vindictive intent. The unfortunate thing is that NONE of this type of activity is doing one thing to promote our local fishery. These types of interactions do nothing more than to alienate people from the primary goal of both clubs...enhancing the Muskie fishery that we all love and support. We must get back to the business at hand and focus our energies and our actions to that end. If we don't we WILL negatively affect the fishery on many levels.

There is so much dedication, knowledge and skill among the many folks that live and breath Muskie lore. Both clubs have a lot to offer "our" Muskie fishery and those involved. I am confident that we can ALL check our egos at the door and work together to ensure that our fishery is the best that it can be. I would hate to see the vast amount of Muskie history and allegiance go by the way side because a select few cannot find a way to move on. I challenge each and everyone of you to do just that...simply move on. Move in the direction of respect and commitment to the fishery that brings most of us "here" to begin with. Take your ardor and eagerness and put it to practical, effective use rather than burn it out on the spiteful and malevolent approaches that many here have chosen. ( it a coincidence that the base word of malevolent is "male"--something to think about...) Bad esox offers a great thought to ponder -- "Silence is the voice of the convinced; loudness is the voice of those who want to convince themselves."

Anyway, I will cease the lecture and leave with this parting thought. No matter how hard we try to see eye to eye and get along we all come "together" out of our own experiences and background. If we keep in mind that everyone has good "things" to bring to the table and cease to get caught up in the one-up-manship we will surely be able to accomplish great things with the WA State Muskie fishery...and even manage to have a good time doing it. :-"

Thanks for indulging my discourse and please give some very serious thought to forging new paths in an effort to work together for the benefit of the elusive, but magical Muskie.

With much sincerity,

PAD :fish:
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Morpheous » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:12 am

seament head wrote:This thread wasnt about stocking muskies. It was about a few bad apples having attitude problems. Lets keep this on track.


Oh lets not, I personally liked they way it has taken a different look more to the real world of fishing.

The pretend world of "bickering" does not hold my interest at all!

I agree with you Mike, very encouraging words there Bad essox, no wonder that you are the VP of internal affairs for Muskies Inc

and to part with this: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Have a blessed day everyone.:cheers: [/quote]

I guess you missed the first few posts then. Thanks for the Copy & Paste Perry. :-#

Hugs and Kiss's - Jeff
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by flippinfool » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:26 am

Morpheous wrote:
seament head wrote:This thread wasnt about stocking muskies. It was about a few bad apples having attitude problems. Lets keep this on track.


Oh lets not, I personally liked they way it has taken a different look more to the real world of fishing.

The pretend world of "bickering" does not hold my interest at all!

I agree with you Mike, very encouraging words there Bad essox, no wonder that you are the VP of internal affairs for Muskies Inc

and to part with this: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Have a blessed day everyone.:cheers:
I guess you missed the first few posts then. Thanks for the Copy & Paste Perry. :-#


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Rich McVey
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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Rich McVey » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:33 am

flippinfool wrote:
Morpheous wrote:
seament head wrote:This thread wasnt about stocking muskies. It was about a few bad apples having attitude problems. Lets keep this on track.


Oh lets not, I personally liked they way it has taken a different look more to the real world of fishing.

The pretend world of "bickering" does not hold my interest at all!

I agree with you Mike, very encouraging words there Bad essox, no wonder that you are the VP of internal affairs for Muskies Inc

and to part with this: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Have a blessed day everyone.:cheers:
I guess you missed the first few posts then. Thanks for the Copy & Paste Perry. :-#

Hugs and Kiss's - Jeff

Hmm.. Well... Lake Tapps is waiting, Get your butt down here!!! Got a full tank ready to go :cheers:
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by flippinfool » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:55 am


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Rich McVey
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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Rich McVey » Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:48 am

flippinfool wrote:LET ME KNOW!
Will Do! Very soon, gotta talk to the boss when I get home and see what our plans are.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Anglinarcher » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:24 am

Gone Fishin wrote:whoa AnglinArcher...... I know you have experience when it comes to fishing and much knowledge of many fisheries but.....
I usually don't correct people when they make minor false statements but at least one of yours is out of line....
On the other hand, a controlled stalk of Tigers, in Cerlew, in Hauser in Idaho, in Silver in Spokane County, and to a lesser extent in Newman, have demonstrated that they can indeed work. But note that we do not get trout reports about Silver in Spokane anymore - they have devastated the trout.
Most of the "trout" fisheries you listed have done better since the planting of tiger muskies.... that I agree with

The comment about the muskies devastating the trout in Silver Lake is absolutely false! Just because a once great trout fishery is no longer talked about does not mean it is because of a species that was introduced AFTER the decline of the trout in that lake. Silver was a failing fishery before the planting of the muskies. It was once a great brown trout fishery but is no longer... you may look at other species in the lake and other conditions that existed when the trout saw their decline, before you make the false claim that the muskies devastated the trout! It is misinformation like this that gives tiger muskies a bad reputaion and keep other anglers opinions of them negative. If somebody is going to form an opinion about tiger muskies whether it be possitive or negative, I would like it to be based on real information.

And the whole northern pike topic you brought up has absolutely no relevance to the tiger muskie arguement. Nobody is discussing stocking pike in any lakes. Under a poor management plan they can indeed ruin a lake, but that is a different discussion all together. Tiger muskie as we all know are sterile and are managed under an entirely different system.

I don't doubt your experience on the water or your passion for fishing but I think that some of your arguements are not based on the experience or knowledge that pertains to the topic. When opinions are expressed I never tell somebody they are wrong. Differing opinions are what make these forums interesting and resourceful. Just don't try to pass off opinions as fact or apply irrelevant information to prove your point because I will point it out. I hope you don't take all of this the wrong way, it is not a personal attack and I hold nothing against you, I just thought that a few things needed some tweaking.
How in the world could I be offended by what you wrote. You and I just disagree.

I do agree that Silver's trout were not what they once were even before the plant of the TMs. Nevertheless, I still noticed a drastic decline in the numbers of trout as soon as the TMs were stocked. I also saw a few people with trout, mostly rainbows, on the line, that had TMs hit there trout. It was kind of cool to be honest with you. I saw this at Idaho's Hauser once as well.

Now to be honest, I would fish the early morning at Sprague for Walleye, then drop over to Silver to catch a few bass or crappie during the heat of the day, then finish off with a couple of trout for my wife at the end of the day. Now the trout are not in the picture, and of course the Walleye are also out of the picture. Of course, why do the other when the TMs are there - and now I can tell my wife I could not keep any fish, so I don't have to clean any. LOL

Things change, but to say the TMs had no impact is wishful thinking at best. Also, prior TMs, Newman had a lot of trout. Sure, it is a mess over there, and the Carp, Bass, and panfish are king, but early season trout were quite available. No longer is this the case.

I will, nevertheless, grant to you that the trout stalking program has changed with the introduction of TMs, and this, as much as the TMs, has impacted those fisheries. Still, I do not concur that the Tigers did not have an impact. Still, in the long run, I still support the TMs completely, and wish they would stalk them in more places.

For strict recreation, they are about as great a fish as you can get. For a biological management tool, considering they are sterile, they are also a wonderful fish. But, to think that they belong everywhere is also naive.

And lastly, my discussions regarding NP are strictly showing what happens when too many, or the wrong kind of non-native fish, are introduced. I grant to you that TMs are different, but one person's idea of how many there should be is another person's idea of far too many, or not enough.

And thus the reason I post on this forum on occasion. I am a multiple species fishermen, very experienced, kind of aging, but very much in love with all fish, as long as they are on the end of my line. I see the position of the trout angler, the bass angler, the Tiger Muskie angler, the Saltwater Angler, and the Pike angler. I know that there are those that will plant Northern Pike on their own because they believe if they cannot get a Tiger Muskie then perhaps they can catch the NPs. I believe that this forum is strictly against illegal planting, and I applaud you all for that.:cheers:

Mostly, I wanted to show that we can indeed get along, but that getting along does not mean we will not have differences of opinion. I hope that by expressing these differences I can educate you, and YOU can Educate ME. And, if we are lucky, we can BOTH educate others.

Now, this fishing trip you are talking about. I will be at Idaho's Hauser Saturday Morning, and probably Spokane's Silver Saturday Afternoon, SO LEAVE MY FISH ALONE. :-" :-#
Too much water, so many fish, too little time.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by flippinfool » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:35 am


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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by KUP » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:14 am

PAM: what a wonderful post! THANK YOU!:cheers: :cheers:
It is too bad Morpheus ignored it, but that is par for the course. :scratch: And for the record; keep KUP and bad esox out of it Morph. =; =; Neither of us is seament head, which you are broadcasting to everyone. Just your ol paranoia getting the best of you again, eh?[-o< Sorry you are out of work, go fishing and stop bashing! And for the record: YES! You did a great job on getting the tigers into the Cabela’s tank, but NO you failed with the verb “donated”.
I’d like to throw the gauntlet out here:

Yeah, so some bad stuff happened. It is old history, get over it.
No one and I mean NO ONE got skewered in the deal as bad as little ol me. I still hold some dooozey emails that are still dripping blood. So if I can forgive and go on, so can the rest of you. 'Cause I didn’t pee on no hat and I didn’t do anything but tell the truth, then M.I. kept the issue gagged, and I never got a chance to defend myself.

Know why I was able to keep silent in the fury of such hatred? Because I support this fishery. That’s the only reason, because I sure never have held my tongue before when attacked.o:) o:)
So; here it is. Honor each other. Honor each club; they both bring a lot to the waters.
"Bury the hatchet" are good words.

So: I will take the first step: I wish CMA every success and I am proud of the job they are doing to help the muskies. Long may they live. :king:
So, ski, you can stop the name calling (it was beneath you anyway, you are smart guy and I respect you):salut:
Elly: develop some thicker skin. Muskyhunters don’t whine. :queen: And if you want, I can show you how NOT to catch fish; I apparently am really good at it [-o<
Rich; I enjoy your humor! :joker: :joker: :joker:
Swede: Now, I met you once and I know you are a lot smarter (and cuter) than to only hear one side of a story and not investigate further. Because as YOU already know; the truth lies somewhere in the middle. :viking: :viking:
You are hereby invited to the ANY Chapter 57 meeting and I can guarantee you will be welcomed. There are some outstanding folks in both clubs; make your own opinion not based on just a few inputs. If you keep an open mind,
I think you may be surprised that you can go back and forth easily. There is no war here, at least not in this camp.
So I challenge everyone reading this to say “oh, WTH” and turn the page and let this thread die. If you continue the assaults, we are wasting time that could be spent on moving both clubs FORWARD!!!
We both have busy summers planned (nice job on the gazebo, by the way:thumleft: ) so lets get to it and show the rest of the world what “muskie people” (that’s inclusive jargon, BTW) can achieve.
Overt promoting other clubs on this forum is dicey; let’s keep the discussion to all of our favorite subject: MUSKIES!!

PS anyone respond negatively to this and you are going to suffer barren nets for the rest of the summer! :rambo:

And to prove I am serious, I am sending a $50.00 personal check to Field Design so they can make something with the CMA logo on it to raffle at their club meeting.:money: :money:

Peace out.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tiger Muskies are sterile.
You can't keep them under 50 inches:
Let them do their job: Eating N.P.Minnows

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Morpheous » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:25 am


You have me mistaken with somebody else!!! How many times do I have to say it?

Im at work right now thank you. Dont have internet at home, no boradband here and not paying for dial up. Holly crap.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Rich McVey » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:31 am

Elly: develop some thicker skin.

Yea, Im a pretty funny guy. Total wise a$$ depending on who you ask
and yea.. swede is kinda cute.. :-#
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Misselley » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:31 am


All I can say is what a class act. You have just proven my point. As I have stated I will not condone or enable these types of tirades. I respectfully refuse your money. CMA has plenty of items with their logo for raffles. I have contributed to them just as I did when I was a member of Chpt 57. As far as the rest of your post I hope you can get past the hate you have.

respectfully and sincerely
Ellen McVey

Field Designs, Sponsor
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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by KUP » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:59 am

I don't hate anyone.
And you just missed a great opportunity to bring some peace.
Stay stuck then, too bad for you. I tried and now I"m moving on.

and Morpheous: if you are innocent, then why do you have the email address of "bad esox"
must just be a coincidence, eh?
Nice try.

So all you all saw was what you wanted and no one even acknowledged my respect or my kudos to your club?

Anger is usually some response to fear.

I tried to bridge the gap and you just couldn't get there?
Good Luck guys
I will still treat you with respect when we meet on the water.
Peace out.
Tiger Muskies are sterile.
You can't keep them under 50 inches:
Let them do their job: Eating N.P.Minnows

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RE:Can we all just get along please?

Post by Dex » Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:14 pm

Well, believe it or not I think this is healthy.

There have been people trying to contain their frustration for some time now. I feel that if people don't vent from time to time they tend to blow up all at once, and that’s never a good deal for anyone. I encourage everyone to discuss their differences; however I think many of these in depth "talks" should be behind closed door and not is a public forum.

All in all, this is a good thing.

If there is something anybody wants to say, then say it. Let’s clear the air once and for all so we can all move the HELL on. However, keep in mind that if you’re going to dish it out you better be able to take it back. In closing, I will ask this of this of you. Anyone can make a screen name and cowardly post to start trouble, be a better man / woman and stand up for your-self. A

This will be my last post on this topic, let the chips fall where they may. I’m going to request that Mike allows this thread for 48 hours, than kill it and start a new beginning for all.
Anyone is free to e-mail / Privet Message me at anytime, I have nothing to hide.

Chapter 57, Muskies Inc.
NW TIGER PAC" onclick=";return false;
