racfish wrote:Thanks to Basstrodamoss I got me some great gear.I went out saturday for a lil trial in Seward Park Shoreline.I had toon problems but only after I hooked and caught a bass on a top water plug with a propeller.WOW do they hit it.I did release it unharmed and I have to admit to you guys it was a great feeling to catch and release it.Funny I never thought of it that way.Im so used to eating my catches.Someone at the lil launch asked if I caught and I said yes but released it and he was like all good.So I guess I might have been wrong about the C&R thing.I didnt get a camera so no pic except the one in my head which is totally cool.After the hook up I had disaster strike but oh well.
Congrats Bro! Your in the club!
Nothing like watching them hit the topwaters! I've loved it since I have been a little boy.
CNR is the only way to go! I just respect the bass to much to kill them for a little meat. They don't taste all that great, and it just makes me wish I let them go... some nice perch or RBT, thats another story! You gotta get a camera - it makes the CNR so much better, taking a quick snap of the fish, then releasing them.. its always fun showing the pics to your friends and on the boards. I've got alot of 'photos' of fish in my head I wish I could show to other people!