Reporting Poachers

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by kuttkilla » Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:51 pm

Dave wrote: How many suspects are there and are they armed? Remember, lots of folks are armed meaning lots of boaters are armed. If this is a hunting complaint, this question is more likely to apply and you are more likely going to have seen a firearm.
...I can verify many fishermen I run across are armed and some very dangerous...I will contact 911 when appropriate from now on...just amazing it's come to this, but it has these days...

...I agree with Dave. People are very volatile on the water and can be explosive and if you confront them you do so at your own risk...I would NEVER follow someone because this can turn out nasty...follow Dave's advice and you'll be fine...

...after my encounters 3 weeks ago...I learned the hard way and am lucky to still be here with everything still intact...some people are very aggressive and confrontative when approached...KEEP YOUR DISTANCE...

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by TroutCowboy » Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:14 pm

Something to note is that often cell phones don't have a signal where the offense takes place (like out fishing or mountain campsite litterbugs), but don't let that stop you from using them. With so many cell phones coming stock with cameras built in they can be more useful tool than luxury accessory. Take the pics now, and send them/download them later.

Use the camera to capture hull #, license plate #, even the "scene of the crime" to complete a report later when you do have a signal. When my truck got rear-ended last winter I used my cell phone to take pictures of her driver's license, license plate and insurance card, and the damage to both cars for the insurance claim. My wife is a realtor and she takes pics of faces, cars and license plates and emails them back to the office when she meets people for the first time in remote locations alone.

Might cost anywhere from $.25 to a dollar or more to send each pic off your phone thru your carrier, but what's your safety worth? And if your grainy picture is enough to convict a poacher or some other criminal, like the MasterCard commercial goes... PRICELESS.
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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Coastfishin » Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:22 pm

That's a hard question to answer.
I think I would look at several factors, such as: Is it worth the hassles I might encounter from them if they find out I reported them?
It may also depend on how many fish they are catching. If they are using two rods and not catching anything, is it worth reporting.
If they were using two rods and had fish on constantly I would assume that they were probably keepng more than their legal limit and would report them at once.
I think one should look at the circumstances and decide whether or not you feel safety may be threatened. The last thing we need is someone trying to do the right thing and end up getting hurt(or worse) for their efforts.
Last year I saw a man fishing for Crappie from the bank and he had probably 100 fish in buckets. I was in the boat and I reported him. The next time by the Wildlife agents were there writing him a nice little ticket. If I had been on the bank next to I don't know if I would have done it that way.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by cant sleep » Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:31 pm

yea thats what i ment............ it does get complicated...... KKs ordeal. no one needs that... thats to bad... i hope that doesnt happen to me.. i have a four yearold boy... i guess i better rethink Mr happy.....

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by kuttkilla » Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:47 pm

Coastfishin wrote:That's a hard question to answer.

I would look at several factors, such as: Is it worth the hassles I might encounter from them if they find out I reported them?

I think one should look at the circumstances and decide whether or not you feel safety may be threatened. The last thing we need is someone trying to do the right thing and end up getting hurt(or worse) for their efforts.
Thanks Coastfishin...this is a really good way to handle it. I appreciate your insight...another example of why is such a great're right; the last thing you want is someone to get hurt trying to do the right, legal thing. I think I would let it slide, but if they were hauling in too many fish, then I'd have to call. Good points.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Rob G. » Sun Mar 30, 2008 2:45 pm

cant sleep wrote:disagree!,,, that what wrong with this country the friendlyness is gone..... we all seem to be living in shadows and peeking through the blinds.... to afraid to get up and say hello.. look a guy in the eyes with a hand shake... what happen to thoughs days..... yea agree if i see someone which is threatening thats a different story. thats the hero stuff and left up the the offials... but if im in an area i have been a couple thousand times.. why not say hello and give the guy some kinds words than see where it goes.... if he wants to be a jerk id pick up the phone while he can here me talking to the cops.... assualt charges carry a stiff sentence these days... they dont mess around.... just because someones feakin out that doesnt mean i have to do the same... theres nothing to be afraid of. people need to be alittle more freindly these days.. i think this what mine is mine and thats yours is yours only hurts everyone... i think when were out in the water we need to be freindly to other boaters and give a friendly chat to the person standing at the boat ramp. even though he might not where the same clothes or carry the same way about things. be friendly... im trying to be nice... it doesnt come naturally it takes work. im constantly challenging myself.. catch lots of fish.. and do it with a smile
I'm all about being "friendly"...I agree with pretty much every thing in this post. I'm just sayin' probably 90% of poachers know that they're doing something...and I just would hate to hear some horror story of somebody that confronted some jerk and ended up getting hurt or hurting him. Ya know?

But by all means, please be friendly, chat it up with fellow anglers! There has been plenty of times I've tried to spark up conversation on the water....not always well received. But I still do it anyways! There are some grumpy guys on the water sometimes.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Dave » Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:18 pm

Can't Sleep, I'm not sure what you disagree with. Your concept of giving a friendly chat at the boat launch or on the water is great and in my experience seems to be practiced by most decent fishermen and women with exception to opening day when every jerk in the universe is out on the water to get his. Being friendly to others in general is a great idea that I wish was practiced by everyone all of the time, no argument. I don’t however agree that it’s worth a try to be friendly to someone you intend to confront about a crime he is committing.

I think the intention of this thread is to address how to safely report poaching. Confronting someone who is over limiting or breaking the law in any capacity is asking for trouble. Can it be done? Absolutely, but not without risk to a person's own safety which ultimately could jeopardize their responsibilities to family which is far more important than confronting some schmuck who is keeping too many trout. Why? Because those committing crimes these days don't give a dam about others and often don't hesitate to assault someone who comes between them and their freedom. I see it daily. Ask anyone in law enforcement and they will all say the same thing. Report the crime and keep your distance and be a good witness. Robb G, well put! Bbassmasterderek also points out that major criminals look just like everyday Joes so don’t be mislead by someone’s average appearance. I once arrested a guy for 1st degree murder who looked just like the everyday Joe at the grocery store. Because a person is familiar with an area he/she has been to a thousand times like for example a favorite lake, doesn’t mean it’s a safe environment by any means.

Briefly regarding assault charges; Ask bassmasterderek who is a commissioned Corrections Deputy about how much time someone gets for assault 4. You might be surprised to hear how lenient the courts in WA are. If you watch the news, you know that people who have had 8 or 9 DUI convictions and have spent almost no time in jail, kill someone while DUI get maybe 2 or 3 years in prison. It’s a joke! A person could get sucker punched confronting someone who over limiting at their favorite lake, causing lots of pain and injury and ultimately get just days in jail for assault 4. That’s if the officers arrive before the guy leaves the scene. Even if someone assaulted you and got a year in jail, is it worth the pain, medical bills, and time off from work to recover? Answer; No!

KuttKilla, Thanks Bro. You can always report a crime including someone fishing 2 polls alone in his boat. If no one is available to respond, they will male the call “patrol information” and close it out. That doesn’t mean you can’t report it. Now days, you can report anything to 911. The calls are evaluated on a call by call basis by the officers or a Sergeant, and handled appropriately. Also, in WA State, you will remain anonymous when you report something to 911. Officers do not give out your info to the suspect. It’s against the law to do so. The only way a suspect can learn your identity is in a court of law where the suspect has the right to face his/her accuser.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by zen leecher aka Bill W » Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:13 pm

My observations are that there are two types of rule breakers. Those that are doing it unintentionally and those that are. One group you enlighten and the other you come down a little harder on.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by cant sleep » Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:46 pm

i agree.. you all have great points i like blue..... you like red.. she says black.... i say yellow.... there are alot of grumpy ones the water. this site is cool..... fish on you guys.. have to get ready for my trip,, later.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Marc Martyn » Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:49 pm

These are interesting results. Judging from the responses, I find it interesting that anyone would even think about poaching.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by kuttkilla » Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:20 pm

Marc Martyn wrote:I find it interesting that anyone would even think about poaching
Who is thinking about poaching? Poaching is a heinous crime.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Marc Martyn » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:31 pm

Who would even consider poaching. The chances of someone turning a person in by calling on a cell phone is very high.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by kuttkilla » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:34 pm

Marc Martyn wrote:Who would even consider poaching. The chances of someone turning a person in by calling on a cell phone is very high.
I agree...unless the person saw you calling them in and then they pulled out a self defense weapon and went to work...that's why we have to be careful out there like Dave said prior.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Marc Martyn » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:53 pm

I often am the last one off of a lake. I have seen poachers along the shore taking fish over their limit from the launch. I won't say anything to them if my vehicle is the only other one in the lot. I may go up to my truck and find 4 flat tires.

I once chatted with a guy at a launch before going out on the water. About an hour later, the guy was being cuffed by a WDFW officer and hauled away. I saw the officer a couple of weeks later at another lake and asked him why he hauled him in. He told me that the guy was arrested because there was a warrant out on him for domestic violence. Apparently, the guy had beaten up his wife and was on the run.

There are some very dangerous people running around out in public.
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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by kuttkilla » Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:01 am

Marc Martyn wrote:
There are some very dangerous people running around out in public.
That's why I don't take random Joe's out on the water when I go fishing asking for a fishing buddy...get my drift...??

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by Marc Martyn » Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:05 am


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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by fishaholictaz » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:44 am

I don't see how people can be so scared! I have confronted many people breaking laws in the wild. What I do is ask them what the #%^& they are doing and give them a warning that I will turn them in. This usually does the trick!! (what are they going to do shoot me COME ON ](*,) )Why not give some one a chance to see the errors in their ways before we call authorities.
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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by bassmasterderek » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:50 am

Allot of people that I have confronted say they don't go fishing much and just weren't aware of the regulations. I just stay polite and let them know what they are doing wrong. Most of the time you can tell if they know what they are doing is wrong that is when you make the judgement to report it or not.
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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by bassmasterderek » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:54 am

My opinion is that if they are just picking up fishing don't ruin their day by being a butthead about it. I encourage lots of poeple to get out on the lake and enjoy the outdoors.

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RE:Reporting Poachers

Post by kevinb » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:59 am

I wouldn't tell anyone to confront a poacher. If you do decide to,I would only hope that you don't have your family with you. You never know what psycho you may come across. We all need to be safe out there.

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