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Forum Post Guidelines: This Forum is rated “Family Friendly”. Civil discussions are encouraged and welcomed. Name calling, negative, harassing, or threatening comments will be removed and may result in suspension or IP Ban without notice. Please refer to the Terms of Service and Forum Guidelines post for more information. Thank you
Hi mtman; That is a good question. Frabill makes a great cradle, with the measurements on it. As far as our catch and release tournaments; they are usually members only and we all trust each other not to cheat, so yeah, probably. Best one to answer this is Lucius, CH 57 Tournament Chairman. I will see him tonight at the Chapter Mtg. and ask him to post an answer for you.
Tiger Muskies are sterile.
You can't keep them under 50 inches:
Let them do their job: Eating N.P.Minnows
You can't keep them under 50 inches:
Let them do their job: Eating N.P.Minnows
as KUP stated the cradle will suffice for our members only tournaments. For our open tournaments, measuring sticks/boards will be provided to each team and the fish must be measured with the provided measuring stick/board to count for our open tournaments. If you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to post or contact us.