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Happy Fishing...

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:55 pm
by profishin206
Happy Fishing everybody hope your fall fishing is prosperous just as your spring and summer fishing was!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good time back at college Sam, and mallard83 be safe driving!!!

Hope to see you guys soon!!!!!

Much Love,

David E. Hardy, Jr.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:37 am
by A9
Even wants their own secret spot. Fish don't bite well when they are under heavy fishing pressure. When everyone knows about spots, guess what, they show up their, thus increasing the pressure on the fish and making it more difficult for anglers to hook into fish.

It's going to be tough to get people to unload and spill their zipperlip spot, especially over the internet where it is subject to more then the intended number of readers viewing it. I tell a bunch of my secret spots to people in person, mainly friends, but also to people I meet out there who seem like good guys and would appreciate some help. I tell them spots because I know it only goes as far as that. THey try it out and it becomes their secret spot. It's still remotely secret and your helping out a friend. However, telling someone over a forum where a secret spot is, then anyone who goes on gets to see where this "secret spot" is and then it's not so secret.

Best advice to you is to find your own "secret" spots. When you find a gem of a fishing spot or tap an undiscovered fishery at a lake that isn't well known, you will understand why you will try and keep it "secret."

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:17 pm
by profishin206

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:12 pm
by A9
A) Bass are reactionary. Sure, they have to eat and will bite, but when they are pressured, they won't take everything like they used to. Thus, if they start seeing tons of lures and bait going across their face, they are bound to hit some of them, and since they are REACTIONARY, they will realize that they shouldn't BITE these lures in order to not get hooked and then they will be more selective of what they hit, thus making the fishing more difficult.

B) It is completely necessary to have a few secret spots. I have a few all over the saltwater and the freshwater. Nothings better then going to your own spot and having it all to yourself and have first crack at all the fish, especially when a lake down the road or a spot on the salt a few miles away is choked full of people. GPS units and fish finders don't find secret spots. They can't even help you catch fish if you don't even know what you are doing in the first place.

I understand you emailed me and asked for one of my spots. Earn respect and respect will be given. You can't come asking for spots out of no where. Now, if you were a regular on the board and I saw that you were a good, respectable guy who has contributed to the board, and is looking for a new spot, I'd love to help you out by giving you a spot or two. But when random people shoot me emails about it through this board, it creeps me out.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:03 pm
by mallard83
Sam is right on everything he has said so far. Look at it this way. Wouldn't it be nice to have a "secret" spot where you can get away from the crowds and still catch a lot of fish? Really, isn't that what fishing is all about? To get away from the hustle and bustle of every day life and relax without a ton of people ruining your peaceful outing. I personally have several secret spots like Sam and love fishing them more than others because the fish are more willing to cooperate and there are no people around to bother me. And even if the fish don't bite at my "secret" spot, at least I am usually the only one around besides mabey a friend or two. So my suggestion to you would be to get out on the water as much as possible and see if you can find a "secret" of your own. And if you find this "secret" body of water, keep it that way. Trust me if you let the "secret" out it can really bite you in the butt. For example, I used to fish a small river on the Olympic Pennisula for salmon and steelhead for years as my "secret" spot until word got out about how fantastic the fishing is (Was) and now it is ruined. No more great fishing and almost shoulder to shoulder with other anglers going after the few fish left. Just a little food for thought. Good luck with finding your "secret" spot.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:40 pm
by T Dot
Sam Kafelafish wrote:... It's going to be tough to get people to unload and spill their zipperlip spot, especially over the internet where it is subject to more then the intended number of readers viewing it. I tell a bunch of my secret spots to people in person, mainly friends, but also to people I meet out there who seem like good guys and would appreciate some help. I tell them spots because I know it only goes as far as that. THey try it out and it becomes their secret spot. It's still remotely secret and your helping out a friend. However, telling someone over a forum where a secret spot is, then anyone who goes on gets to see where this "secret spot" is and then it's not so secret.
i 2nd that


giving out information on the interenet can be a deadly thing.

we have been burned before by letting the wrong people have the wrong information. i would have to know you, of have fished with a few times for me to give up a few spots. sam is right, its a good tip to know the people you are giving information too. we have had people take the info and run.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:50 pm
by T Dot
Sam Kafelafish wrote:... Earn respect and respect will be given. You can't come asking for spots out of no where. Now, if you were a regular on the board and I saw that you were a good, respectable guy who has contributed to the board, and is looking for a new spot, I'd love to help you out by giving you a spot or two. But when random people shoot me emails about it through this board, it creeps me out.


its vary rare someone will give up their lucky spot / lure or vital information without something in return. the only way i see that happening is if people are friends.

information is key, espcially in bass fishing is a vital thing. not everyone is willing to give up hot spots so willingly.
ive had a few emails regarding spots, and was reluctant to just give them away for free.

in my opinion it must be give and take. everyone is different, you have to feel them out and give them just enough information. obviously if you find the right fishing partner, information gets traded all the time.

my buddies are always open to fishing we new people, but we have put in alot of leg working into finding our spots

i read something like this before and its a good way of looking at things:
like some other bass fishers, we have driven miles on end, tried and lost countless lures... and have spent many days, nights and even whole weekends on the water. if you look at the amount of time / hours spent, it all adds up. what it all boils down too is simple, time is money. if you look back @ all the time you spent doing your leg work, the $ adds up. would you be willing to throw money away to a complete stranger?
i dunno, but that makes sense to me. there are a few exceptions to the rule. i make certain exceptions, especially when im on the lake itself. tips are always giving to old and the wise, as they always have tips in return. father and son teams, or family and kids. like i said sometimes i make exceptions.


its always good to put fish in a boat even if its not yours!

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:39 am
by krafty1
Sometimes a person just needs to have that special place. A place to get away from it all and relax. All you have to do is go on the banks of either the Snohomish or Green and see all the litter that stupid and uncaring fishermen leave behind. Most of us love the pristine outdoors and try to keep them that way. Like Sam said. The masses ruin the good fishing and the environment all of us love to fish in. The best way to learn about secret spots is explore your fishery. I also like to hunt and I tell you that you have to scout. Find a spot and try fishing it at different times and with different set ups. Then you too will have your secret spot that you can have. And if you want to share it then go for it!

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:45 am
by profishin206

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:04 pm
by gpc
Easy there profishin, its not these guys fault you cant find your secret spot. I still dont think you understand the concept of a "secret" spot, tell someone and your secret no longer exists. I for one can vouge for evryone you just insulted. These guys are serious fisherman who can catch fish at most every lake, and just like most people on this site they can go and battle the crowds, or they can go to their secret spot and have at it. Dont hold that against them. You have had ample opportunities to find a secret spot, being as you have fished here since you were 4, so dont take it out on these guys that you havnt made it happen. But one day you will find your spot, untill then good luck on the water

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:22 pm
by Kevin K
profishin206 wrote:Let me say Seattle is not a premiere fishing locale. People do not come to Seattle for the Bass fishing. Truth is truth.
I have to disagree. Lake Washington is considered by many, including those who run BassMasters, as one of the top smallmouth fisheries in the nation.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:29 pm
by T Dot
profishin206 wrote:I did not say electronics find secrect spots of course not the put you in position to fish were fish are they do there job for them to find secrect spots is rediculous.
i beg to differ


type in a secret gps location that is offshore, and you are set. stick your video camera under water, and find that sunken cover.

profishin206 wrote:Now not to be sounding arrogant]

first basic rule amoung reports is if a location is not reported, there is a reason... and for that reason, people should not ask. it is rarely a mistake a location / lure was left out. yes information is left, but not all is given. there are something things that are always left out.

there are always inquiring minds who want to know more, but you have to do your own dirty work to see where that leads you. not everything is given to you on a silver platter.

ive seen ibs post, an quite often i read them. ib is a shore bound fisher, and shore spots are hard to come by. if i was him, i would guard my shore spots as well. so i defend the non response.

fyi - the ship canal is connected to lake union.

now here is the easy part, take a look @ everyones chip canal pictures, and since you have been since you were young, im sure you will find them.

furthermore, as someone stated you have been fishing since you were very young. that being said, you already know almost all the lakes hold bass, there are a select few that dont have them. the lakes that have most lakes hold big bass.

profishin206 wrote:It amazes me you can go to the Premiere Sports fishermen website and see them on tv giving sales pitches about products, techniques the whole 9 who have won tons and money earn tons of money, now I know they may not reveal everything but they share.
just like the secret reports, they share information, but they do not reveal everything.

information and clues are always left in secret spots. take what they do leave you and apply it to your spot. its easy to find someone secret spot as some people unknowingly leave suttle clues. use those clues, pull up and you can find some nice spots.

profishin206 wrote:You guys keep your secrect spot it just lets you know to yourself how insecure you guys are about your ability to scout out and area never fished before and be as productive. What you guys do is just like going to the trout farm when I was a kid and just dropping the line in and wahla
insecure!? how nice you generalize.

i can attest how you are so wrong in that comment. my buddies and i always frequent new waters, it is rare we visit a location more than a few times. unlike some, we do not go to uncharted water without doing some research. we always come with a game plan. know where you are going, and applying the proper techniques for a giving situation is all you need. bass are bass no mater where you are in the world, and they have certain tendancies.

profishin206 wrote: Lastly you can go to all the major fishing supply store and the is a prostaffer who is willing to devulge where the hot spot is and the best equipment, lures etc is working. so you guys really need to rethink your philosophy.
lets revisit what they tell you. im sure they most often if not, will tell you to purchase the brand name on their shirt. if its not that, its something available in the store. after all, thats what they are paid to do.

secondly, they will give you an location that everyone knows and everyone frequents. put the money on the line, be it a tournament or a big dollar prize, and without a doubt im sure they didnt tell you the secret of secrets. without a doubt, they will not be fishing those locations they gave you.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:09 pm
by profishin206

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:37 pm
by T Dot
profishin206 wrote:Ok this is my last reply, because this is going somewhere I did not want it to go. I hoped to have a healthy dialouge not rub people the wrong way. I wanted to see the philosophy people used to have a "secret" spot.

As I can see everything was touched on except professional tv like Bill Dances, Addictive Fishing etc.

I do not have a lack of spots to go fish at and be successful. I do not have a problem disclosing where, how, and what I used to catch the Fish I catch. So finding a secrect spot is something that Im just not interested in.

Now the reference I have always used for the Ship Canal has been Mounlake Cut. So when I heard the Ship Canal I was thrown off a little bit.

My logic is if Lake Washington is so popular among Bassmaster why is it not used in the Tournament tour? Bass fishing is fun its addictive its adventourous I believe a Pacific Northwest fisherman or woman can out fish anyone on the tour because I believe we have to work that much harder to find productive fisheries thats just my opinion.

Lastly I have never been the one to somewhat keep a learning fishmen crippled. Im surprised at how tight lipped people are and then it is suggested to make the sport bigger take someone fishing that has never been the last I knew a positive and a negative equals negative.

Consider this and this maybe a stretch what if our fathers, uncles, grandfathers, who ever taught us fishing took us to the lake gave us a rod and said here you go you are on your own.

I believe that is what we are saying for the sake and lack of sacrifice of our pride and ego.

I did not post this to soften anyone up into giving me there fising spot that is called "Secret" I posted this to hopefully get fishermen skilled fishermen the obtained skill from just fishing not have a secret fishing spot to see a bigger picture.

In conclusion in my opinion having a secret spot is damaging to the sport of fishing bass fishing. The worst the is worried about is a secret fishing spot being trashed. Do what I do clean it up with a smile!!!

HOLLA Good Fishing to you all see on the lake sometime.
i see your side of things


like i said there are exceptions to the rules, atleast on my side of things. im not opposed to letting go to my secret spots, im just reluctant to give them up online.

if you are on the same lake as i am, tips and techniques are often traded. it all depends on how talkative you are.

im sure we can all learn from each other, as i pick up alot of things from all sorts of people.

though to give you the worst senario, i once told a few how i was catching fish. they even offered to buy a few lures from. there are some who abide by the rules, and some who could care less. to make things short, they kept everything they landed. yes even the tiny ones.

from then on, ive been selective on whom i tell what information.


back on the ship canal. ive never been, but i would like to see what all the fuss is about. if you want to fish it sometime, my buddy and i are looking to go in the furture. its sounds funny, but yes there are some days we dont want to deal with the boat. i just want to be able sit there and just fish... or even just sit there

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:07 pm
by mallard83
Please, nobody buy into this schemer that calls himself "profishin". The only agenda he had from the start was to try and talk some secret lakes out of us, so don't be fooled. If he was so "profishin" he would understand why we have secret lakes or bodies of water. If you don't feel that Washington/Seattle is worthy of it's fisherman to have secret lakes "profishin", well than why don't you just leave. Stop your pissing and moaning profishin and get out there and fish like the rest of us. GOOD LUCK!

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:41 pm
by A9
I second what you said mallard...This guy/kid is trying to sly in and mush up and ask for my spot. BTW I'll upload some pictures off my digital camera from my spot so you can see the size of some of these smallmouth bass!:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Second of all, if you've been living in Seattle since you were four, how do you confuse the Montlake Cut with the Ship Canal? That confuses me. Any "Seattle Native" knows that.

3rd: Your being incredibly hypocritical. I can't understand many of your points because they are the opposite of a remark made earlier.

4th: Posting a thread like this on the internet is not going to get "skilled fisherman" as you say, to give up secret spots. Your .02 cents ain't gonna make a "skilled fisherman" say "Hey, profishin wants me to give out my secret spot! Here, my secret spot is ____________" I can't imagine that happening anytime with anybody. I wish stuff in life was that easy, but it's not.

5th. A secret spot isn't damaging to the sport of bass fishing. I'd like for you to explain that for me if you could.
and yes it is bothering to have a secret spot being trashed. Do yourself a favor and go to a popular bank access spot on the Snohomish right now and lemme know how many wrappers and beer cans and all sorts of litter is layiny around there. I bet you can count over a few hundred Dick Nite packages in just a couple hundred feet of waterfront. So why wouldn't we worry about our spot being trashed? Cause MANY "fishermen" do leave their imprint behind, and it's not a good one. i don't want to have to be surrounded by someones trash because they weren't polite enough to pack it in.

6th: The respect factor. Mike Carey has built this site up to try and get the most reader participation possible. Mike has mentioned the incredible amount of monthly views, but poor monthly reports. Gee, I wonder why? Lurkers like yourself like to come and just "view" instead of participating. It's all simple. It's the "give and take" theory. Give something, and you are welcome to take something. But what many people, including yourself are doing, is just "taking." You come to this site, ask a few questions for your own benefit, read reports and lurk on the forum. Now in all honesty, it's plain selfish. What if this whole site was full of people like you? Just takers instead of givers. There would be no forum, no reports, no nothing. And since you like it when people report their reports, I still don't know why you never post any reports....It's a two way street bro, life's not all about you.

Lastly, Seattle IS a premier fishing locale. Where else in the world can you catch bass in the ship canal while watching Sockeye jumping and rising while moving through to one of the best Sockeye fisheries, that being Lake Washington, and it's in the middle of a big city? You can fish for trout, salmon, steelhead, bass, whatever your want, I can pretty much guarantee you it's one of the if the not the MOST diverse fishing locales in the US and the world. You can be fishing for summer steelhead on the Sky in the morning, bass fishing and trout fishing 5 minutes away at a small lake, and a few more miles west you can be out targeting salmon on the saltwater. You got a lot to figure out if you say Seattle is a "non premiere fishing locale"

TDot: I'd love to take you out to the spot sometime. It's killer. Lemme know if you want directions since I will be going off to college in 6 days, so I won't be able to show you around. It's gonna start to heat up soon. With the summer-heat the bigger smallies went all back into Lake Union after the spring spawn, but with the cold water coming up soon, they will be back cruising the shallow rocks of the canal feeding up, so it should be hot and there will be more "bigger fish" biting like they did in April-June then say in Mid July where it was just fishing for dinks.

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:58 pm
by mallard83
RIGHT ON SAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:12 pm
by A9
That offer to show Tdot the spot is valid to anyone else....Provided that you A)help the board by contributing and B)Seem like a nice guy.
Most people on here qualify lol. Seriously let me know if anyone needs the spot for some bankie access for some good smallie fishing. I'll be gone for 8 months off to college starting here in about a week and the only fishing action I see between now and when I leave is strictly salmon, so it can be someone elses spot for a bit..

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:46 pm
by profishin206

RE:Happy Fishing...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:23 pm
by mallard83
Hey profishin I thought that the post before this was your last post. Can you say wah, wah, wah. GO FISHING ALREADY. Stop bothering real fishermen already will you.