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Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:02 pm
by kevinb
Normally we head out to Mason County this weekend but it appears we will be staying a little closer to home,
we might try a little campout at Alder Lake but thats also in the air as of now. Eitherway,there will
be some fishing involved. What about you folks? The last "official" hoorah of the year.
Camping? Staying home? Undecided?

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:59 am
by Amx
If I can afford to get some gas today, I'm going to go to Sawyer and try to catch the big Bass that tried to eat my plug one week ago yesterday.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:19 am
by Rich McVey
We'll probably stay home. Smoke some ribs or something. Hit a local lake or two. We have been so busy Im looking forward to relaxing, ingoring my chores, and just relaxing.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:33 am
by jens
RaMcVey wrote:We'll probably stay home. Smoke some ribs or something. Hit a local lake or two. We have been so busy Im looking forward to relaxing, ingoring my chores, and just relaxing.
You hit it on the head right there: relaxing. I have been putting away my honey do chores since I got back from vacation, and spending 3 days on the Puyallup, well my honey is gettin' a little pissy. #-o

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:04 pm
by Marc Martyn
Amx wrote:If I can afford to get some gas today, I'm going to go to Sawyer and try to catch the big Bass that tried to eat my plug one week ago yesterday.
Gas, that is a biggy. In the last few days, gas has gone up .10¢/gal. Why? Labor Day of course!

They say they raise the price for gas because of supply and demand. Not too long ago, I read that the nations supply is high and the reserves are full. In other worlds, the nation is awash in oil because so many people are driving less. So, go figure:scratch:

I'll be staying around home.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:17 pm
by Amx
Marc Martyn wrote:
Amx wrote:If I can afford to get some gas today, I'm going to go to Sawyer and try to catch the big Bass that tried to eat my plug one week ago yesterday.
Gas, that is a biggy. In the last few days, gas has gone up .10¢/gal. Why? Labor Day of course!

They say they raise the price for gas because of supply and demand. Not too long ago, I read that the nations supply is high and the reserves are full. In other worlds, the nation is awash in oil because so many people are driving less. So, go figure:scratch:

I'll be staying around home.
Well I put 20 gal in the truck, but the boat is out of gas. Maybe one trip down Lake Sawyer, then sputtersville.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:53 pm
by bcalvert
I am going to try to get to Cain Lake this weekend - It has been on my todo list, so i guess it is time to do it!

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:13 pm
by scott080379
Fish......................need I say more???????????

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:56 pm
by ckim85
two options open for my gf and i:

1. trip down to Portland and enjoy a nice relaxing weekend in a nice quiet city. Check out the saturday market, Powell's city of books, all that fun stuff.

2. san juan islands! kayaking, fishing, camping, and hiking

i'm leaning towards Portland oddly enough but something about enjoying a nice slow weekend in a small quiet city sounds very fun.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:59 pm
by Toni
scott080379 wrote:Fish......................need I say more???????????
Exactly. But my weekend is Wed.-Sat. :bounce: :joker:

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:43 am
by Rich McVey
ckim85 wrote:two options open for my gf and i:

1. trip down to Portland and enjoy a nice relaxing weekend in a nice quiet city. Check out the saturday market, Powell's city of books, all that fun stuff.

2. san juan islands! kayaking, fishing, camping, and hiking

i'm leaning towards Portland oddly enough but something about enjoying a nice slow weekend in a small quiet city sounds very fun.

I'd have to vote for option #2. I used to live in Friday Harbor. I love it up there. No stop lights on the entire island. They have a farmers market most weekends, even though it is smaller that the off island markets.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:30 am
by BrianB
A buddy of mine owns a beach lot just south of Grayland. We're going to park the camper out there over the long weekend - maybe try some fishing off one of the jetties in Westport.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:58 am
by Bisk1tSnGraV
BrianB wrote:A buddy of mine owns a beach lot just south of Grayland. We're going to park the camper out there over the long weekend - maybe try some fishing off one of the jetties in Westport.
Okay let me hear you Napoleon ... Luckeyyyy!!!

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:17 am
by ryan2202
I'm heading over the mountains, to White Pass...I'll be fishing every lake up there that i can...Leech lake (fly fishing only), Clear lake, Maybe even Rimrock if I get bored (the cabin is across the hwy from Rimrock), Lost lake, Tim's Ponds, Bear Lake, Long lake (you got to find this one), Dog lake too...Along that stretch of HWY twelve there are SOOOOOO MANY LAKES, impossible just to sit at one for more then two hours! All trout fishing, eastern brooks, brown trouts, triploid in Leech 2-4 lbs easy, bows, cutts and kok's of course...MAybe I'll make it a goal to catch one of each and really test to see which meat I like better! Smorgishboard of trout ahahahaha yum!

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:18 pm
by kevinb
ryan2202 wrote:I'm heading over the mountains, to White Pass...I'll be fishing every lake up there that i can...Leech lake (fly fishing only), Clear lake, Maybe even Rimrock if I get bored (the cabin is across the hwy from Rimrock), Lost lake, Tim's Ponds, Bear Lake, Long lake (you got to find this one), Dog lake too...Along that stretch of HWY twelve there are SOOOOOO MANY LAKES, impossible just to sit at one for more then two hours! All trout fishing, eastern brooks, brown trouts, triploid in Leech 2-4 lbs easy, bows, cutts and kok's of course...MAybe I'll make it a goal to catch one of each and really test to see which meat I like better! Smorgishboard of trout ahahahaha yum!
Sounds like a pretty good plan,beautiful country there as well.

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:48 pm
by BrianB
Bisk1tSnGraV wrote:
BrianB wrote:A buddy of mine owns a beach lot just south of Grayland. We're going to park the camper out there over the long weekend - maybe try some fishing off one of the jetties in Westport.
Okay let me hear you Napoleon ... Luckeyyyy!!!


RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:08 pm
by Dave
Brian, I think they are implying how lucky you are to have a friend with a beach property in Grayland. I have to agree. Good for you. Enjoy. :)

I fished for pinks today and my buddy and I caught our 8 in 2 hours. Great fishing! I will do the same the next two days (smoking 4 tomorrow afternoon)and on Saturday I am having a buddy of mine tune up my 05 Toyota 4Runner. I think Saturday afternoon will be lunch and a movie with my wife. Sunday I have an invite to fish the salt (area 9) once more before it slows down so I may do that but am hesitant because the Everett launch will be a zoo for sure. Back to work Monday for my first full work week in 3 weeks. Pink fishing in the salt has been fantastic. Thanks to my Sarge for granting me all the vacation time I needed to fish. He da man!!!!! Of course I did take him on almost every trip. I da man!

I hope you all have a safe and very fun weekend.


RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:25 pm
by Geoffrey Ring
After the first football game of the season (WSU) I'm heading down to the Snake with some of the marching band. Soo stoked. Too bad I just brought my 4wt fly rod... =/ Ah well, fishing is always nice, even if you've got the wrong gear.^^)))))

<sup>Go Cougs!</sup>

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:36 pm
by BrianB

I guess I am lucky. I'm shore bound out there so we go out there mostly to relax. I took a 9ft Uglystick on our last trip out there and tried a little surf fishing for perch. I had no idea what I was doing and caught nothing. No worries, as long as I get to wet my line. I'm a bit better informed this time so maybe I'll do better...

RE:Labor Day Weekend 2009

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:06 pm
by ckim85
RaMcVey wrote:
ckim85 wrote:two options open for my gf and i:

1. trip down to Portland and enjoy a nice relaxing weekend in a nice quiet city. Check out the saturday market, Powell's city of books, all that fun stuff.

2. san juan islands! kayaking, fishing, camping, and hiking

i'm leaning towards Portland oddly enough but something about enjoying a nice slow weekend in a small quiet city sounds very fun.

I'd have to vote for option #2. I used to live in Friday Harbor. I love it up there. No stop lights on the entire island. They have a farmers market most weekends, even though it is smaller that the off island markets.
thanks RaMcVey,
unfortunately, this trip is more to celebrate my girlfriend who just finished her dental school applications (stressful past month for her) so we'll be headed to Portland which was her choice. I am definitely wanting to do San Juan islands sometime soon. I hear its amazing out there.